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Your POV

Once getting to know and talking to the young necko boy I finally gained enough infomation to peace the puzzle together.

It turns out he was Hayley's sister and really wanted to save her aswell but he understands the little detail I gave him that I could not leave because I was being helped and hordes into o'hkasis.

I didn't want to tell him to much about my situation really. Anyways

His name turned out to be Harry.

So after a while of planning I mentioned to Harry it may be best to leave it there, since the person holding me here could come back at any moment.

He agreed to that and we planned to accomplish the plan tomorrow at dusk.

Harry had left about an hour ago now. But when Zane had made it back, it was clear he new about my little chat.


Zane glowed in a fit of range slowly stepping towards me.

"You couldn't be obedient to listen to my one single rule!"
He snapped out. Grabbing my upper arm hard and pulling me towards him.
"How do you think I'll keep you up here if you can't follow my rules!"

I was frozen to the place, my ears and tails were down quivering. finally I menaced to choke out some words. "I-I'm s-sorry Zane..." I shuddered.

"Sorry doesn't cut it" he spat.
Glaring daggers at me, making me feel so un important and small.

I was suddenly in gilded in a fit of rage. "Sorry doesn't cut it" I mimicked him in my head. "Him using me does not cut it" I felt all my fear compressing into a huge pile of rage.

"Well I don't care!" I screeched "I hate it here! Or do I love it here! I don't know anymore!" I started ranting "I've been so stupid you yell at me! Phisicky hurt me, and then pretend that you're sorry by fûcking me! I want to leave this stupid place! Do you even care about me! Or are you just using me! Have I been that much of a slut really, for you to get some stupid spruce of pleasure" Zane had let go of my arm by now his eyes were slightly wide with shock and he didn't say a word.

"Is that all I'm here for,..."
[A/N: Steven universe reference anyone😏😏 no....I'm the only nears here... Ok]

"Y/N......" He stopped and looked as though he was frozen on the spot. "It's just....."

"What!" I growled, growling up at him. Before pushing past him and walking to the door.

"Y/N?" He asked in some sort of questioning way.

"I'd rather be taken to the dungeons and killed"

Ok. That was a bluff buuuuuuuuuut I was so angry right now u didn't care!

I suddenly felt warm arms rap around my waist a head placed on my shoulder.

My body tensed up dramatically before I stepped away from zanes grasp. No I can't let me be fûcked by him like a slut.

I was a slut, wasn't I?

But not anymore!

I hope.....

"Y/N.... Please you know that's not true........I-..... I l- like you a lot......... Your making me soft, I said that......but I don't know how to show it."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2018 ⏰

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