The neko boy

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I felt myself shiver as he glared Down at me. Zane stood above me glowing with rage my hands were infront off me as a protective mechanism. This was litully the only thing I could do. My legs were Shaking about to clasps if I took another step. My chest was uprising and felt as if it was plummeting to the earth, as a took deep breaths.

Zanes eye was narrow glaring down at me, the day went bye so quickly I could barely remember what happens to make him mad.

I felt like hitting my self over and over again.  Everything that had HAPPEND between us was slowly making me think that he was actually showing love towards me. But to him love was nothing but a foreign word. All I was to him was a pet, a toy, someone to use as bait, to use. To use to rule the world or whatever he want to do. It wouldn't matter to me now though. For or I know he would kill me now, or if not niw when he doesn't need me know more.

I hated feeling like this.

But escape was not a option, to be honest if it was I couldn't bring my self to it. Necko found in O'hkasis would be killed. But as much as I didn't want to amit it I was a slut. A peace of shit. I wanted him. He was my first time and u wanted him to be my last time.

I couldn't believe my own thoughts.... But I did. I hoped it was that his moods changed in a snap but I couldn't help but think that he was using me he was playing me.
For power.

But inky If only I was obedient. Then I wouldn't be in this situation.

The day flashed through my mind. Every second was clear but it wanted to wipe the bit about me talking to that boy.

He was a necko, he wanted me to help him with the girl in prison, but now I'm here.


My eyes fluttered open as I yawn let my mouth, Zane was gone early as usual and a note was placed on the bedside table. I rolled over towards the tables, cuddling up into the sheets more. The morning breeze was cold and I had nothing on.

I couldn't help but think about last night, a small smile found there way to my lips.

My tail deafening back and forth a bit under the covers.

I decided to get dressed into the clothes hanging from the dresser before reading the bird once again.

I went straight to the clothes and put them in before turning to the mirror to examine them.

I had a short sleeve S/F/C tank top on, with a Black pattern of a cross, I had black legging on (with hole for my tail this time) and over that a F/C skirt on. The same pointed Criss necklace Zane gave to me yesterday hung around my neck.

I stretched my arms above head and another yawn escaped my lips. I couldn't blame mysel E though I had a wonderful night and my loser region was still saw because of it.
I slowly made my way towards the note to red it, I unfolded the parchment and my eyes scanned it.


stay out of trouble love, of anyone enters this room hide under the bed darling, they'll leave even if it's a theif, just don't leave this room at all today. I'm making mysel e clear Y/N be a good girl and stay indoors.

I'll be back around ten I hope you don't get hungry love.


He was still a bit frigid about me leaving yesterday apparently. I sighed at the thought. I hope he dies T get to angry because I still promised Haley to help her.

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