You Again

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I was cold. I felt week. I couldn't even reach my dress. The chain stopped me. Ive had no food for 3 days. I was still hurting cause of him.

My F/C ears were down and my (white/black) and F/C tail was down. Really really saw. My eyes were clenched close.

I heard a rustle in the forest. Someone was coming. It was a human.

I didn't see who it was cause my eyes were to week to open.

But I felt my body being lifted of the ground. Some strong arms rapped around me to hold me up. 1 around my waist one around my head.The sent of the person was strong but I didn't want to believe it.

I slowly used all my strength left to open my eyes.


Was holding my nearly lifeless naked body.

He was looking down at me smirking. I whimpered. He leaned down close to my ear and whispered something. The four words i wanted to dye when hearing. I wanted to scream but I was to weak. I wanted to run, to punch or kick him. He whispered:

"Let's have some fun~"

I whimpered more. Shacking my head slowly.

My eyes were pleading.

He un-chained me and turned me over to my back and got undress.

Zane licked one of his fingers and inserted it into my back end. He licked 2 more inserting them. After licking and inserting 4 fingers he spread them out sideways stretching my core.

I groaned in pain. Squirming ever so slightly.
He opend his fingers wide. Tears sprang to my eyes and started flowing down my cheeks.
He pulled out his fingers after a while of this proses.

Then he pushed his boner straight in to me.
Suddenly thrusting into me. I was to weak to scream but I cried out in pain. Tears running down my cheeks like waterfalls.

"Uhhhh Y/N you mother f*****, your ass is bloody tight~" he groaned out. After awhile
He cummed into me and kept thrusting until he cummed again. Letting out loud groans/moans while doing so.

Then he turned me over to see my tear stained face. He licked a finger and shoved it into me. I cried more. He then entered another and another until his hole set of fingers were all in me.

He thrusted them. As I held back the cum. Still crying. But I couldn't help but feel good.

I finally cummed and he licked it of his fingers. He then lined his boner up ready to thrust that.

I shook a bit. Scared of him he started thrusting while he groaned. Even with my week body I screamed in pain I couldn't help it.

He gagged me with 4 fingers.

"Don't want to attract attention do we~" he said in a sickly sweet voice.

I tried bitting them and he noticed so he deep throated me witch made me gag more.

The tears hit his hand and rolled down to my week body.

Suddenly he went at a overwhelming speed that it made my ears prick up. He un-gagged me and grabbed my ears hard slightly stroking them as he groaned in pleasure. I groaned loud in pain AND pleasure.

He went so deep I thought he was gonna brake to the other side.

Finally I felt his thrust get sloppy as he cummed after that I cummed now panting.

My Pussy was tingling with pleasure as I lade on the ground tied.

Zane came up to me and started kissing me, my neck and colar bone eventually leaving a Z shape mark.

I felt my eye lids shut after he pulled me into his chest... We both fell asleep.

As I awoke Zane was gone. I was feeling a lot more pain then ever and my stomach stabbed at me for food.

I was chained to the tree still and There was a package next to me so I slowly opened it. Inside was a F/C dress with
S/F/C lassing. It reached down to my ankles and was strapless. with a hole for my tail witch was right now down. There was some bread, a (Favourite fruit) and a small bottle of fresh water. There was also a little note. So after getting dressing the best I could and stuffing my face with the food and drink I opened it.

It said:

Get your strength your gonna need it for tomorrow~


I felt myself go wet.

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