In His Room

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I laid on the floor still chained to the tree. was I scared? Didn't feel like it, was I happy he was gonna come back? Maybe? I couldn't get him of my mind. Was I nervous that he was lying and wouldn't return?

My ears and cat senses were alert it was like I could hear and smell everything.

These questions were coming to me fast, but I decided to rest incase he did return.

I rubbed my hand over my neck. A Z shape was present there made from hickeys.

I slightly smiled before shutting my eyes and laying in a persition that the chain, that was attached to my neck and the tree, was comfortable.


I was woken by someone slightly shaking me awake.

I opend my eyes, my F/C ears slightly twitching.

Zane was holding me just of the ground shaking me slightly. The chain was gone and the sun had bearly rose.

I slightly yawned closing my eyes again. It was to early.

I heard him chuckle and lift me up. So he was holding me with one hand wrapped around my waist one on my head. I wrapped my legs around his waist and put my head on his chest.

This was quite nice.

But I was confused, I'm a necko, a cat person. 5 days ago he was chasing me out of oh'kasis.

I felt him start to walking.

"Wear are we going" I mumbled.

"Stay quite or your not gonna like what will happen" he whisperd harshly into my ear.

My tail went down along with my ears but I obaide his command.

I was scared now, great I think I fell for the one who is either kidnapping me, or killing me.

After a while I felt him place me down, I opend my eyes and realised I was in a room.

It was mostly black and white with some gray bits, but it was nice. There was a large King sized bed. That had a dark oak framing and pitch black sheets.

There was 3 doors in the room.
1 was at the back it was a clear sliding door that led to the deck that overlooked the village, forest, and a beach.

The other door was spruce with a small window at the top of it. It led to a study.

Through the window you could see many potion ingredients and book shelves.

The other door was plain spruce I couldn't see what was in it but I assumed it to be a bathroom.

I sat on the bed. "We're are we?" I questioned.

Zane locked the door... "In oh'kasis, in my room"

I felt a shiver go up my spine.

"That's why I told you to shut up, we were sneaking through the dungeons."

I nodded.

He sat next to me slithering his arm around my waste and pulling me closer.

I staid still.

"Now~" he whisperd into my ear sextruly. "I promised you some fun~ And then I want you to help me with something."

Oh great, he was only using me. I should of known he is zane Ro'meave he does not love. He only uses.

I felt like slapping him and running of but I new I did want him. Plus I couldn't dream up what he would do to me if I was to slap him, so I just nodded.

He suddenly pinned me to the bed and locked lips with me.

We were in a deep pasiont kiss when I felt him lick my bottem lip.

I excepted and we instenly got on a tackle for dominance. He won of course and exsplored my mouth.

After we seperared I placed my hands on his chest and looked into his deep blue eyes.

I slightly purred a bit but he smashed his lips against mine again. We went back into a make out session.

I felt a hand go down my dress and under it. rubbing my women hood from the outside. I let out a sigh of relief and pleasure into the kiss.

He pulls up my dress, seperared the dominating kiss for a second to pull it over my head.

He gave me one last peck on the lips  as he started kissing down my draw line. To my neck. He kisses and sucks on my neck until I let out a small moan when he reached my sweat spot.
Zane smirks making me blush.

He started Abusing  it sucking, kissing, biting. A bit of blood came out but he licked it away.

My hands found there way to his member and I rub it through his robes.
He lets out a moan.

Then Snap! my bras undone and he sucked and played with my breasts swapping at times. We both let out moans.

Zane pulled down my pantys and got up quickly undressing.

He was rock hard and I was really wet.

"So wet already~" he teased making me blush.

Zane  grabbed me and turned me around. So my face was at his member and his face at my pussy.
"You've been a naughty kitty and I need to punish you~"
He said sextruly
I put my whole mouth over his dick. It made me gag a bit as I sucked. He started licking my pussy. I let out moans onto his member. He did the same. My pussy tightend as he stuck his tough into me eating me out. A wet feeling sent shivers down my spine. I started shacking a bit. As I opened my legs wanting more pleasure. I was stuck sucking his member as he cummed Ito my mouth. I cummed into his. A slight numb feeling went down in my lower are. Zane stopped.

He turned me back around and over. He was on top of me.

I was panting.
He smirked.

He then smashed his lips back on to me and slammed into me.

I screamed out in pain and pleasure but it was muffled by the kiss.

He waited and seperared the kiss.

"Stay quiet or we will wake the whole castle." He hushed.

Then kissed me again so my moans of pleasure were muffled as he thrusted.

He stared getting sloppy and cummed into me.

I came soon after.

He pulled out and pulled me closer into a snuggerling persition.

I felt my eye lids begin to get heavy.
"Your my little secret~"

Was the last thing I heard before we fell asleep together.

My little Secret *Zane X Necko Reader* Where stories live. Discover now