Chapter 1: ~Sneaky Shippers~ (Part 1)

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AT!Frisk invited the other Frisks for her special plan to get proof that Geno likes Reaper...Let's see what happened so far....

AT!Frisk: So, heres Plan A:
1.When Geno isn't around his room, but it's locked.I'll use a hairpin to unlock the door and swoop in.
2. US!Frisk and UT!Frisk will keep a look out if Geno is coming back.But in a different way so that it won't be too obvious.
3. UF!Frisk will help me find a picture,note or even Geno's phone, just to find proof.
US!Frisk: Proof about what exactly???
AT!Frisk: Proof that Geno likes Reaper...
US!Frisk: So it's like, kinkshame and blackmail him at some sort?
AT!Frisk: Yup....
US!Frisk: I'm In :)
UT!Frisk: Plan B?
AT!Frisk: Ok, Plan B is:
1. When You and US!Frisk forgot to warn me.UF!Frisk will hide somewhere Geno wouldn't expect to find them.
2.I'll try and come up with a distraction or a smart reason to tell Geno
3.If he leaves, we'll finish what we started
UF!Frisk: And if we got busted???
AT!Frisk: That's where plan C comes in handy.
US!Frisk: Which is?
AT!frisk: *Inhale* Run and get help from Reaper
EchoTale(ET)!Frisk: *Facepalms*
AT!Frisk: Ready Team!?
Every Frisk: Ready!
AT!Frisk: Let's go!

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