Chapter 3: Hangout! (Part 1)

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This will be a little series about where there is a little hangout Ink planned and a few of the others wants to bring their frisks..Apparently Geno wants his Frisk to come....I wonder what happens next
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).....

Ink: Alright! Is everyone ready to go?
ET!Frisk: Apparently, i think so
Gaster!sans(G): Yeah, everyone is.
US!Frisk: I said i don't want to go!
Blueberry: Nonsense! Your coming with us!
US!Frisk: Why can't you just bring Chara!?
Everyone: Chara!?
US!Frisk: Um, Hello? We're the swapped versions of the original one? So basically, i'm Genocidal while our Chara is merciful.
Ink: Makes sense
Error: BuT cHaRa Is An EvIl BeInG, wHo DoEsN't KnOw AnYtHiNg BuT kIlL!
US!Frisk: Like i said, swapped version, she won't kill anyone *Beings out a knife* But i will :)
Classic: Woah there kiddo, where did you get that?
US!Frisk: From the kitchen
Classic: Blue, just take your Chara
Blueberry: *Sigh* fine....

Minutes later....

US!Chara: I'm Ready!~
All the other Frisks: <Either mumbling,scared or just staring>
US!Chara: I-Is....Something wrong? I'm not like any of your Charas, i promise!
ET!Frisk: F-Fair enough...I guess
Fell: Alright, let's go before this turns into some feelsy shit
Chesstale(CT)!Frisk: Language please...
Geno: ......
AT!Frisk: Geno? Are you okay with a Chara coming along?
Geno: As long as it doesn't hurt us, i'm fine with it....It just brings back so many memories--
Reaper: You heard Fell Geno! No feelsy shit! *Grabs Geno's hand *
Geno: *Blushing Crimson Red* U-Uh....
US!Chara, Reapertale(RT)!Frisk and AT!Frisk: *Le Gasp!* SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP!!!
AT!Frisk and RT!Frisk: Wait--YOU SHIP THEM TOO!?
US!Chara: *Nods* I've always love AfterDeath!
AT!Frisk and RT!Frisk: *Hugs US!Chara* NEW AFTERDEATH BUDDY!!!

While walking....

AT!Frisk: I just love how Geno is a Tsundere for Reaper!
US!Chara: *Gasp* Same! Except i just wish they can just 'get to the point' you know?
RT!Frisk: Someone's desperate!
AT!Frisk: I just want them to 'get together' already!
US!Chara and RT!Frisk: SAME!!
Geno: <Blushing> These three will never stop....
Reaper: Hehe...It's okay, they're just kids.Just let them do their thing
Geno: Yeah, your right *Sigh*
Reaper: *Holds Geno's hand* But who says it's not true?~
Geno: *Blushing like crazy* U-Uh....
US!Chara: Look!!! *Points at Geno and Reaper's Hands*
AT!Frisk and RT!Frisk: Hm? *Turns around*
Chess(Chesstale!sans): R.I.P-Ears(???)
CT!Frisk: Oh my Asgore, that hurts....
Error: I aGrEe WiTh Ct!FrIsK....It HuRtS...
Ink: It's okay Error...It's okay...

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