Chapter 5: Hangout! (Part 3)

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After a long day, they went back to their house.All of them are up since its still 6:21 PM.Let's see what AT!Frisk is up to....

AT!Frisk: *Is spying on Geno* <Through earpiece> Is everyone at their places?
UT!Frisk,ET!Frisk,US!Chara,UF!Frisk and CT!Frisk: HAI! {Yes!}
AT!Frisk: Ok, ET.Where's Reaper?
ET!Frisk: Just walking around the house, dunno why.But still, he's walking
AT!Frisk: Ok, where's Geno?
CT!Frisk: Trying to find someone...But he seems a bit mad...
AT!Frisk: A-ha! He's finding Reaper!
ET!Frisk: Wait! They found each other!
AT!Frisk: Now, ladies and gentleman, watch (More like read XD) as the magic happens~

Geno: You know you made it worst!
Reaper: Like i said; Your fault for being a cute gay skeleton
Geno: <Blushing> I'm not cute!
AT!Frisk: *Pushes Geno while passing by them*
Geno: AH! *Falls down*
Reaper: *Falls down with him*
Geno: *Looks down* <Is on top of Reaper>
Reaper: *Looks up* <Is below Geno while holding Geno's waist>
US!Chara and All the frisks except US!Frisk: *Taking picture from afar*
Geno: U-Uh.......
Reaper: *Smirks* You little cutie~
Geno: *Sits up* STFU!
Reaper: *Sits up as well* You do realize you sitting on my lap, right?~
Geno: *Realzies the position they're in**Stands up* SH-SHUT UP!!! <Is a Crimson Tomato again>
Reaper: Hehe...Crimson Tomato's back~
Geno: *Hides face in his scarf again* Reaper! Stop it!
Reaper: *Pulls him closer**Kisses his forehead* I love you too~

US!Chara and All the Frisks except US!Frisk: *High fives*

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