Chapter 6: Sleep Over! (Part 1)

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So...UT!Frisk is having a little sleep over party at their house...Let's see how it went~...

AT!Frisk: Thanks for inviting us UT! (I literally need to nickname the Frisks)
UT!Frisk: {No problem} (She speaks in hands right?)
ET!Frisk: You still speak using your hands?
UT!Frisk: {Yes, why? Got a problem with it?😑}
ET!Frisk: Nothing, nothing...
UT!Frisk: {Anyways, come in!}


UT!Frisk: {Make yourself at home!}
Classic: Heya kiddo, having a fun time?
UT!Frisk: *Nods*
Classic: Cool, i'll leave you to your thing then. C'ya *Leaves*
AT!Frisk: So, what should we do first?
UT!Frisk: {You can put your stuff on the couch, then maybe we could play a game}
CT!Frisk: Sounds delightful!
ET!Frisk: <Whisper> I swear i can't handle CT's British talk...
All of the Frisks: *Put their stuff on the couch*
AT!Frisk: So! What game should we play first?
UT!Frisk: {How about joke calls?}
ET!Frisk: *Le Gasp!* Let's do it!
CT!Frisk: I don't mind at all
AT!Frisk: Sure!
UF!Frisk: Um...Ok.
Outertale(OT)Frisk!: Yeah!

Minutes later....

UT!Frisk: *Is holding their laugh*
AT!Frisk: SSH! Geno might here you!

<On the phone...>

Geno: Hello?
AT!Frisk: Knock, Knock
Geno: W-What?
AT!Frisk: *Trying to hold their laugh* Knock, Knock
Geno: Uhh....Who's there?
AT!Frisk: Death will f***
Geno: ......
Geno: Death will f***.....Who?
AT!Frisk: Death will f*** you~
Geno: *Hangs up on them*

At the house...

Geno: <Is a Crimson Tomato> WHAT.THE.F***....
Reaper: Why?
Geno: N-NOTHING!!! *Runs to his room*
Reaper: ???
Fell: The fuq happened to him?
Reaper: I have no f***ing clue...

At UT!Frisk's house....

All the Frisks: <Either laughing their asses off or wheezing>
AT!Frisk: I can't believe i did that to Geno! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
RT!Frisk: What the actual f*** m8!? *laughing*
UT!Frisk: *Can't breathe from all the laughing*
ET!Frisk: *Coughing and Laughing*
AT!Frisk: Ow...My stomach hurts, Hahaha!
CT!Frisk: Why do we even find that funny!?
UT!Frisk: {Beats me}{Probably cause we love Afterdeath}
AT!Frisk: True....Ok, that's enough laughing...
UT!Frisk: {Well, we should joke on another person!}
ET!Frisk: And who would that be?
UT!Frisk: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) {How about the king of the edge--}
ET!Frisk: LES DO IT!

After Preparations...

<On the phone again>

G: Hello, King of the Edge speaking. How may i help you?
ET!Frisk: Hey Boy~ Are you the cupid? Cause you got a perfect aim on hitting me~
G: .....
G: Ok, Who the f*** is this and why do you sound like my Frisk?
ET!Frisk: *Hangs up on them*

At the house...

G: What the f***? Hello? *Puts the phone down* Whale s***...
Chess: Why? Who was it?
G: A person that sounds like my Frisk....
Chess: Huh, What did they say?
G: They said; Hey boy~ Are you the cupid? Cause you got a perfect aim on hitting me~
Chess: (//0_0//)
G: You 'kay there Chess? Your face is a bit-
Chess: Y-Yes...Indeed i am...I, need to go now...*Leaves*
G: Why is everything acting so strange today?

At UT!Frisk's house....

All the Frisks: <Dying by laughter>
ET!Frisk: Holy shiz, AT are you ok?
AT!Frisk: *Gives a thumbs up*
UT!Frisk: {I think that's enough for now, hehe☺️}
OT!Frisk: Tell that to RT over here *Points at RT!Frisk*
All Frisk except RT!Frisk: *Looks at what OT is pointing at*
RT!Frisk: *Laughing their f***ing a** off*
ET!Frisk: Wow...
RT!Frisk: I have one~ And Reaper is not gonna like it~
AT!Frisk: *Puts the phone up* CALL HIM. NOW.

<On the phone once more>

Fell: Hello?
RT!Frisk: Excuse me, but may i talk to Reaper?
Fell: Sure thing
<From distance>
Fell: 'Ey Reaper! Someone wants to talk to ya on the phone!
<On the phone>
Reaper: Hello? *Takes a sip of his water*
RT!Frisk: Um, excuse but is Geno there? To whatever room you are?
Reaper: No, why? *Takes another sip* And how did you kno--
RT!Frisk: Is he CUMMING there?~
Reaper: *Spits water out* W-WHAT!? WHO THE F*** ARE YOU!?
RT!Frisk: *Hangs up laughing*

At UT!Frisk's house....

All the Frisks: <Either laughing,wheezing or choking>

Sorry that i haven't update for a while. I was busy enjoying
my Sem-Break. Anyways, here ya go, i'm very sorry for not updating,
And hope you have a great day better than me! (I literally have nothing
to say, sorry). Toodles!~

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