Chapter 4: Hangout! (Part 2)

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Later on they arrived in the café, then they ordered and now just waiting for it.....But while they're at it....

Sci: And then everything went 'KABOOM!!!' Then Gaster got mad and i almost got fired...
Fell: That's one heck of a life.
Sci: Sure is...
ET!Frisk: You know what would be much more interesting to talk about?
Everyone: What?
ET!Frisk: Embarrassing moments (UvU)
Geno: <Blushing> W-WHAT!?
AT!Frisk: Sheesh m8, calm down
Reaper: Hmm...I kind of agree~
ET!Frisk: And because of Geno reacting first, We'll start with him
Geno: Excuse me but i am not going to say anything!
AT!Frisk: C'mon Momma Geno!
Geno: What did you call me?
AT!Frisk: Momma Geno
Classic: Why on earth would you call him that?
AT!Frisk: Cause he's sweet to me like a Mother! Overprotective like one! Sweet like one! Plus he cares for me, so it's natural for me to call him that!
Geno: *Scratching the back of his skull* <Blushing> I-I guess so....
AT!Frisk: And you know what's next?
Everyone: ...?
AT!Frisk: Since he acts like a mother, making him MY mother. I can't wait to call Reaper "Papa Reaper"!
Geno: *Blushing like WTF* W-WHAT!?
AT!Frisk: Yeah, since you'll marry him soon! And also,remember that one time where we still live in the save-screen, you came back from the outer world.You kept telling me how sexy Reaper is!
Geno: *Blushing like holy f***ing shit* F-Frisk! Th-That's eno--!
AT!Frisk: You also told me how much you want to f*** him for being too flirty
Reaper: What....
Geno: *Hides His Crimson Red Face In His Scarf* Frisk, STOOOOOOOOOP....
Ink, Classic, ET!Frisk and Sci: *Holding their laugh*
Error,UT!Frisk,RT!Frisk and Fell: *Laughing their asses off*
US!Chara and AT!Frisk: *High fives*
G,Chess and CT!Frisk: Awww!
Reaper: .........Someone's desperate~
Geno: <Still blushing like he's a f***ing Tomato now holy shit> STFU!!!!
Reaper: Oh my Asgore Geno, your face is so Red
Geno: I know, Shut the f*** up!
Reaper: Maybe this could help~
Geno: *Looks at Reaper* ???
Reaper: *Kisses Geno* (On the teeth/mouth/lips...Don't question Skele-logic 'kay?)
Geno: <Steam is coming out of his head because of how much he's f***ing blushing> !!!!
All the Frisks: <Either squealing, fanning themselves or taking pictures>
All the Sans: <Either cheering, laughing or cooing>
Geno and Reaper: *Departs*
Reaper: Your fault for being a cute gay skeleton~
Reaper: I love you too Geno~~
Everyone: <Fangirling and Fanboying>
Geno: *Hides his face in his scarf(again)* Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......

Waiter: Your orders are here sir
Ink: Why thank you!
Waiter: Um....*Points at Geno* Does he need to go to the hospital or--?
Ink: Oh he's fine, he's just blushing.It's perfectly normal.
Waiter: Oh, okay then.

Ink:Here Geno *Hands Geno his ice cold latte* this might help
Geno: *Grabs it**Looks at it before putting it beside his face* I can't.Feel.My.FACE
AT!Frisk: *Snickers*
Geno: Shut it Frisk....
Reaper: *Pulls Geno closer* ;3
Reaper: Reaper yes~

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