1. candy hearts

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shuffling my feet, i stroll down the busy street, which overflows with beat-up cars and hundreds of people running off towards diverging paths.

it's raining again in oregon. while the people here seem to writhe under the drops of rain that pelt down from above, i relish in it. to me, rain is one of the most beautiful creations of nature. it's like the world's way of replenishing life and giving it a new shine.

many passersby flash me a glare for walking so slowly, but i don't give a care in the world for them. they live their lives and i live mine. it's that simple. shame that it was only after i dropped out of high school that i began to realize that.

life isn't always easy for a dropout. in fact, it's fucking difficult. i have to search for jobs that require little to no work experience and deal with their low pay — though the way i deal with the small sums of money i receive isn't exactly legal.

shoplifting is an art i've nearly perfected over the years. seeing as there weren't many options left to somehow find enough cash to pay for rent and necessities and expenses, i reduced to theft. although, i'd say theft is a bit too strong of a word to use to describe my current situation. i don't stuff a damn 60" flat screen tv into my pants and run out of the store. hell no. i steal small items: shoving two oranges inside my bra when no one's looking (which doesn't look too weird since i'm already pretty flat-chested), sneaking a bag of chips into my purse, and sticking chocolate bars into the front pocket of my hoodie.

as you can see, i am deeply in love with food. in fact, that is exactly what i'm getting ready to shoplift.

pushing the door to the small corner shop open, my frown deepens at the lack of water falling onto my head. the store is cold, making me shiver as a result of staying out in the rain for so long without an umbrella.

i lazily scan the store. it's empty — a typical thing for small shops on rainy days. a smile lifts my lips a little when i realize it's going to be much easier than usual to steal hearts.

it's that special time of year again. the time when cupid lifts his bow and strikes the next unsuspecting victim, pulling them into the unfathomable feeling that is love.

february. i hate the month. i'm not sure if it's the fact that i'm forced to listen to couples saying the cheesiest of things to each other, or the fact that i've never had a boyfriend in my life. all i know is that the month of february, particularly valentine's day, disgusts me.

but even though this is true, as i said before, food is the holiest creation that was ever made. special food is always sold for the holidays. and so, it's only natural that i've ventured into this store for the sole purpose of taking off with a bag of candy hearts.

locating the aisle with the sweet treats in it, i hug my jacket closer to my body. my teeth chatter silently as i skim over the many shelves. i can almost feel my mouth watering as i carefully eye the sugary snacks that lay in front of me. sadly, i can't take them all with me or i'm bound to get caught.

i let out a sigh of relief when i finally spot the candy hearts sitting on a shelf a few feet away. my lips twitch upwards and i nearly run towards the delicious masterpiece.

as i pick up the box, my shoulders hunch in a visible cringe at the picture of a heart on the front which beholds the words 'be mine.' the makers of this beauteous creation really ought to get some new lines.

nonetheless, i shrug and look to my left and right. the coast is clear. i smirk to myself before stuffing the bag inside my sweatshirt. i'm about to speed-walk out of the store when a voice sounds from behind me, freezing me in my spot.

"are you shoplifting hearts?"

a/n: lol i'm editing and this first chapter is kinda cringey..it gets better though kiddos

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