17. truthful liars

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somehow, a week later, i find myself standing back inside the store i had tried to shoplift from months (though it felt like an eternity) ago. the shop seems friendly enough, but as i shift my gaze to the small door with a golden bell on top, i know better than to think the best of it. looks can be deceiving.

i sigh for what seems like the millionth time, chiding myself for being so uneasy without reason. darwin had to be done working there. after all, he'd already gotten his car. there was no reason for him to keep his job.  

before i have time to second-guess again, i push open the door, a wave of nostalgia briefly overcoming me. but, as always, it passes and my eyes are naturally drawn towards the cash register at the front of the store. a middle-aged man stands behind it, much like what i thought darwin would look like when he had caught me stealing candy hearts. boy, was i wrong, i think to myself, letting my mind drift to his serene, hazel eyes and addictive smile.

i shake my head and wander along the aisles, eyeing the food with hunger. but when i see the hearts, i freeze.

they sit by themselves, neglected on a shelf that still holds a few items from past holidays. my hand naturally gravitates toward them, and i stare down at the large candy printed with the words 'kiss me'.

"really? again?"

my body goes rigid, unable to turn to meet the gaze of the boy i've been avoiding. i hang my head, knowing that i'd have to face him sooner or later. "i wasn't going to steal them."

when i finally spin around, darwin looks at me with some kind of glint in his eye, dressed in uniform. "you and i both know that's a lie."

i roll my eyes, focusing on his name tag. "why do you still work here?"

"why do you still shoplift?"

feeling my hands fist at my sides, i glare up at him. "i told you i wasn't going to."

he scoffs. "you tell me a lot of things."

my brows bunch together. what the hell? "what's that supposed to mean?"

his jaw sets as he takes a step closer to me. "you know what i'm talking about. you promised you'd go back to school."

"well, you're the one who fucking left me without calling, without even texting to check on me. what did i ever do to you?"

"don't blame me for shit you don't know about."

i laugh dryly and it's my turn to step closer to him, jabbing a finger at his chest. "if you're going to act like this, i think i have every right."

"act like what?" he asks.

"like you like riley! like you can just walk out of other people's lives and think they won't give a fuck!" i yell. like you don't like me, i think to myself, but i don't dare repeat it out loud.

his brows raise, bringing his eyelids with them as he looks at me in shock. but he only takes another step, making us only inches apart, and answers with, "i like riley."

"who are you trying to convince? me or yourself?"

he stares at me long and hard, eyes narrowed before he leans in. my eyes almost flutter closed, but before i even have the chance, his hand reaches out and snatches the hearts from my hands and places them on the shelf behind me.

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