bonus chapter #1

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a/n: welcome! this is the first of two bonus chapters. this is in...

darwin's pov

darwin's pov

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(chapter 16. rain drops)

she's in front of me. but at the same time, she isn't.

the rain's falling in heavy sheets, almost slicing through me, but the only thing i can think about is her.

her blonde hair, darkened two shades from wetness; her rubber boots, inches deep in puddles; her brown eyes, a shade away from being black as the night.

i squeeze my eyes shut, as if that'll fade away the image of her. but it only seems to make it worse.

god, she's messing with my head.

everywhere i go, i'm always wondering where she might be at the very moment. every word i speak, i'm thinking, what would she say to that? often times, it probably looks like i'm lost in another world, somewhere that's easier, somewhere that's fair. because i know what i'm doing is wrong — leading two girls on and falling for the one i'm not even with. it's fucked up.

the worst part is, i think riley notices it. i think she sees how when i talk to her, i'm not really listening. i think she can tell that every time i hug or kiss her, it's half-hearted...and sooner or later, it'll dwindle down to no heart at all. our hugs, our kisses...they'll mean nothing anymore. and i think that even though she notices it, she doesn't care. but the part that scares me the most, is that maybe i don't either. because when i look at riley, i'm not really looking at her.

i'm looking at her.

the girl with a sharp tongue and constantly-rolling eyes and a heart of gold that she doesn't want to show. but i see it. i see her.

and she sees me.

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