20. candy corsage

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i remain still as he takes my hand and guides me toward the dance floor. the light shines down on the two of us, outlining the curls of his hair and shimmering against the waves of mine. the air is thick and heavy with sweat and laughter and euphoria. this feels like a dream.

"i dumped her."

i instantly know who he's talking about, astonishment probably evident on my face. phase 3: take me to prom instead.

"my feelings for her only reached the surface. but you..." he trails off, a dimpled smile on his face as he sways us around. he's wearing a black suit that fits him perfectly, and he's just...glowing. happiness and content radiates off him and, for a second, i almost fall under his spell. but a blur of blonde hair behind him snaps me right out of it.

"you led me on," i hiss, acutely aware of his hands on my waist. the simper remains on his lips, dimming only slightly when i grasp his fingers around my own and place them back at his sides.

"no, i didn't," he says. we've stopped moving now. people are starting to stare at us, but i don't think he cares. hell, i don't even think i care. "i led myself on. i thought that i liked riley for so long that i didn't think there was anyone else out there for me."

a warm blush creeps across my cheeks before i can stop it, and i direct my gaze to our feet. i don't want to believe him. i really don't. but he's here and he's holding me and all i can think is that love makes you do stupid things. his finger presses gently against my chin, causing me to meet his eyes again. are there stars in them, or am i just imagining them?

"i got something for you," he says sheepishly, pulling something from the pocket of his dress pants. i stare in awe as he opens a box, and a bracelet falls into his hand. it's a corsage made of candy hearts.

"and this time, i'm letting you have these. you don't have much left to shoplift anyway — you already stole my heart."

"don't be so cheesy," i chide, punching his arm.

"ow," he whines. "you hit hard."

i put my hand to my chest in mock pity. "oh, you poor thing. do you need me to kiss your boo-boo?"

"i'd prefer you to kiss my lips instead," he mutters. the music, despite its slowness, crescendos into a more upbeat tune, and a light falls on the both of us. phase 2: show the world.

i consider his words for a moment. he likes me. he really likes me. the feeling is surreal, so light and sweet, and it's making my stomach do all kinds of weird flips. "your wish is my command," i say when i finally regain my senses. we both take a small step towards each other. phase 1: baby steps.

the smirk on my face is nearly a mirror image of his own as we lean toward each other. but when we're nearly a hair apart, the fire alarm sounds. and a student takes the opportunity to shout something i'd remember for years to come.

"oh, fuck! this prom's lit!"

a/n: lmaoo THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER BEFORE THE EPILOGUE OH MY GOD. (and then there's 2 bonus chapters)

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