; high on you

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for venus ;

I ended it. It was over, it was done. It was hard, but in the end, it's what was needed...so I had done it. I broke up with Wesley.

Word had gone around the whole school and traveled back to me; Wesley was a complete mess. I was sure it had nothing to do with me, though. He was probably stressed over one of his many other girls who jumped right into my place after I left him.

It wasn't anything against him, and I had no problems in the relationship either--no cheating, no lying, nothing like that..I had just felt like the breakup was what both Wes and I needed.

Apparently, I was wrong; but I never would have believed it, until late one night...

The rain was beating down as hard as it could, and I was in my room studying. I heard several knocks on my front door, loud ones, and knowing that my parents were asleep, I ran to see who it was. I stood on my tiptoes to look out of the peephole, and there stood my ex-boyfriend. He didn't look the same; his hair was a tousled mess, his eyes were bloodshot and puffy--he looked miserable.

I unlocked all three locks and opened the door, telling him to come in out of the rain. "Wes, what are you doing here?", I asked, locking the door back.

"V--Venus...I need you to take me back", he said--but his words came out in a stumble and large cluster.

"You're drunk, aren't you, Wesley?"

"Yes. I'm drunk, but you're beautiful. And tomorrow, when I wake up, I'll be sober. And you'll still be beautiful, and I still won't be able to get you out of my mind.", he slowly spoke, trying his hardest not to stumble on his words again. He wanted me to hear and understand exactly what he was saying.

"Come here, sit down", I said as I led him to my living room.

He wasn't that high seeing as he was speaking in a way that completely made sense and was ethical, but any amount of being drunk is enough.

"Wes, what's going on?", I asked, the guilt of causing him to be like this tinging in my heart.

"Hell. I don't know; you left me."

My heart sank.

"How long? How long have you been getting buzzed because of me?", I asked in disbelief; I thought he was fine. I was clearly wrong.

"The day after..after you left. I started drinking. I was trying to get rid of the thought of you, but all I got was the knowledge that you can drink away the memories of the night before, but you can never drink away the people you loved and lost. That's why I can't stop thinking of you. I need you back.", he slurred his words slightly but I understood it all.


"V, you don't--you don't have to lie to me. I know you don't love me anymore."

He had obviously stopped drinking a couple hours ago, giving himself time to sober a bit before coming to see me. But why did he choose today? It had been over a month since we ended our relationship.

"Why did you come to talk to me now? Why today?", I asked him.

"Because, I--this morning..I was chugging down vodka, trying to suppress the taste of your lips from my memory. But no matter how much I drank, I couldn't get rid of it."

Tears were brimming in my eyes. "Wes, go home. Sober completely and come back tomorrow. I can't do this right now."
Wes lived nearby and could walk there easily; otherwise I wouldn't have told him to go. He didn't need to be drunk driving by any means.

I sniffled and put on a brave face, but once he was gone, the tears poured out.


The next morning when he came back, he was completely normal, though he still looked miserable and half-dead.

"Hey", I smiled as I let him in.

"Hey", Wes replied with the weakest smile I could ever fathom.

We walked in and sat back in our places from last night.

I was trying to think of things to say to stop the awkward and silent void between us, when he began to speak.

"When people would ask me what makes me so unable to think, unable to focus, I would have to tell them 'I'm not on drugs, trust me. I'm just undeniably in love.' Venus, I was addicted to you; but not like how someone would be addicted to drugs and alcohol, I didn't need that stuff, because I had you. You made me feel drunk when I was entirely sober. Your laugh radiated through my veins, your kiss left me light-headed, and just being with you made me forget all of my problems, everything I had going on. You were the best drug I could ever get addicted to, but now you're gone and I feel like a crack addict who hasn't had their fix in weeks. And now I'm actually doing real drugs, and drinking real alcohol, searching for whatever could even come close to resembling the feelings I felt whenever I was near you, but none of them suffice and I'm not doing alright. Babe, I lost myself when I lost you."

All I could do was cry.

I couldn't say anything, I couldn't move.

"I know that was a lot, but every bit of it was true. I'm still in love with you, Venus. I think I always will be.", Wesley said as he took my hands in his.

I smiled as he wiped some of my fallen tears away.

"I love you so much, Wes.", I composed myself and said.

"Then can we give this..us..another try?"

I nodded, and he leaned in to kiss me.

It wasn't until then that i realized how much I had missed and craved his lips on mine. I was so in love with this boy, and I didn't intend on ever stopping loving him.

•this is probably nothing like you had in mind when you requested, but I really hope you like it :')

thank you guys for all these reads holy cow omfhdjejejjw

I love each and every one of you, don't ever forget that.
-xoxo, han❤️

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