; hurting

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I hate you, I love you. I hate that I love you.

I espied dolefully as he spun her around in a routine of rotating circles, making her giggle pristinely. I doted him in all veracity, but he only felt the same for her.

You want her, you need her. And I'll never be her.

I could tell by the way he speculated her; she would be the most benign to him. Only her, never me. The way her silky, blonde hair hung down was a good contrast to his own short, midnight dark hair. Whereas my brown ponytail wouldn't be much a difference at all. We both had blue ocular perceivers, in comparison with his gorgeous green ones...but of course, hers were more effulgent. He was more proximate to my age, with only a year in between. She was three years abaft him. But she was a nice fresh face for him, I postulated. I could only make posits on his cerebration process for this certain matter.

All along I watched you watch her; she's the only thing you ever see.

My lamentable endeavors to get him to descry me had only ever come drastically and devastatingly short of all prospects, failing miserably. They left me with sullen, haunted orbs for eyes, and a dejected spirit, devoid of any marginal hope possible. It was the worst feeling, to know that you weren't wanted by someone who you wanted so desperately. To have to grasp mentally, that the very same person who you never wanted to visually perceive yourself without didn't optate to have so much to do with you as to look in your general direction.

How is it you never noticed that you were slowly killing me?

I genuinely just wanted to be with Wes. But the issue arose at the fact that he would never perceive thoughts of me in the same way. He would never, never, optically canvass me how he visually examined her--my own sister. My own blood. And it hurt me more than anyone or anything had ever hurt me. It hurt me in a much different and more painful way.

But he was most blissful with her, so I had to leave them be and keep my mouth sealed, always keeping my words and thoughts for my own mental discerning.
For the sake of his smile.

can you tell who got a new dictionary app? lmao yes it is I.

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