; caught | ii

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part two of an imagine for @alohakeeks

I slamed the note down, violently shut the door, and stormed straight out of the apartment, ignoring any pleas from Wes.

"Hailey! Wait!", I heard Wes call behind me for the thousandth time.

"Babe, don't worry about that bitch! I'm here for you!", Allison giggled in the doorway.

I laughed to myself. She was pathetic, honestly.

Married, too.

"Hailey!", Wesley caught up to me at the end of the long driveway.

I tried to open my car door and ignore him further, but he jumped in front of the door.

"Well, I see that you put your clothes back on!", I enthusiastically said as I shot him a fake smile.

"Don't overreact about this. I'm not giving your ring to Allie.", he said, still short of breath.

"Allie? Nicknames now, huh? And I'm not overreacting? Wes, let me explain something to you, okay? The ring is literally a promise ring, meaning when you gave it to me you promised that we were the only ones for each other, and we weren't going to be with anyone else. Clearly, you didn't understand that."

"See; that's what I mean. Overreacting. I literally didn't do anything but makeout with the girl, it's not like we had--"

"Okay, but point is, you shouldn't have kissed her at all. Wes, are you an idiot?", I laughed again. I was thoroughly entertained by his stupidity.

"Can you see past your selfishness for one second, please? Look, just because you're a greedy, attention-hogging, bitch doesn't mean tha--"

"Wes. Move.", I say sternly.

"No. Listen to what I'm saying."

"I would, except you're not saying anything remotely relevant or educated. Move."

"No, Hail--"

I couldn't take it anymore.

I shoved him out of the way enough so I could get in the car.
He was stronger than me, obviously, so it was sort of difficult..but my frustration took over and gave me the strength for it.

I saw him turn around and start mouthing more shit that I didn't care to hear, but I rolled down the window.

"And I know that you're mentally unable to understand what I'm about to say, but I'm gonna say it anyways, bud. It's over."

Then I drove off, him running after the car for a short amount of time.
I still had stuff in that apartment, but one thing was for damn sure.

Nothing in this car was his anymore.

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