c h a p t e r t w e n t y f ive

802 28 3

Saturday 6th, October

Melancholy was radiatinv of the walls.

Jacques sat in his seat, a somber cloud shadowing his sober heart.

He stares into space, like a robot. His movements were mechanical.

"Jacques? Are you okay?" I ask him

I know his sorrow. I choose not to talk to him about it.

He needs to move on.

But he can't.

"J-Jacques?" I beckon him, trying to call him to the real world, but my words are useless.

Jacques was lost. And undeniably broken.

So instead, I brought him coffee and rubbed his back until he didn't need it anymore.


Jacques was unresponsive.

And that made me upset. The best way for me to heal was through the act of vigorous sex.

Yes, that was perfect.

I go to a club and I inhale the strong smell of booze and it just reminds me of home.

I see a boy from.. somewhere, I don't know.

His hair has been dyed a courageous green that blends with his ebony hair.
His eyes are blue orbs.

And suddenly, I'm entranced.


Shoutout to Devita33  for making one of my favourite books: Thanatos: A Red Dawn.

Please read it! It's an amazing book and involves Greek mythology.

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