The End

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"Adam?" I ask again, my voice shaking. "No... No... How? You wouldn't, I know you! You're not a monster!"

He cringes at the word "monster." "You knew me before I became what I am."

"Yes, and you were a decent person! You might have gotten in some trouble, but you cared about people."

"I'm not a person anymore!" He yells. "I am at the top of the fucking food chain!"

"And because you think like that, you need to die," Roman growls.

"What?! I never agreed to killing anybody!" I tell him, my voice filled with disbelief.

"We have to. I know it's hard, but he's not the person you knew. Some people can't handle this power, and if he lives, he's just going to keep killing."

"But aren't you good?" I ask Roman, my voice breaking.

"Better than him... I try not to kill my victims. Sometimes it happens, but I have more control now."

"Can't you teach him to be like you?" I desperately plead.

"You can't teach someone who doesn't want to learn."

"We aren't killing him," I say sternly and turn to Adam. "Where is Alley?"

"She's dead. She hurt you," Adam coldly replies.

My heart stops. "You're lying."

"Am I? Why don't you take a step into the kitchen?" He smiles at me, blood dripping from his mouth.

"Harley, don't," Roman warns, but I am already walking towards Adam. I notice him looking to the right, and I follow his gaze.

I see a pool of blood and long blonde hair covering the kitchen floor. Alley, my best friend, lies there in the same pajamas she wore last night. I scream, unable to contain my anguish. I rush to her lifeless body, shaking her and begging her to wake up.

"I can't find a pulse, I can't find a pulse," I cry to myself, desperately searching her neck for a nonexistent heartbeat. Her body is cold and pale, her lips already turning blue. Her once vibrant blue eyes stare into the distance, void of life. I gently close her eyes with the tips of my fingers and hang my head, sobbing uncontrollably. I barely notice the brutal fight unfolding before me.

Adam and Roman move with such speed that their forms become a blur. Blood splatters in every direction, but I can no longer distinguish who is who or who is winning.

Suddenly, I don't care. When I first laid eyes on my best friend, all I wanted was revenge. I wanted Adam to pay with his own life, even if it meant killing him with my bare hands. But now, all I want is to go home. The pain and loss are too much to bear, and revenge will not bring Alley back.

"Roman," I whisper through my tears and shock. "Baby, I want to go home."

Suddenly, Roman picks me up into his arms. "You're not worth it," he says to Adam, and we begin walking towards the front door. But then, Roman falls to the ground, and I see a stake impaled through his back.

"No!" I scream as his body turns to stone, and Adam smashes it. My heart shatters as I witness the loss of the person I love.

"If only you could have loved me back," Adam growls, his voice filled with bitterness. I feel his hands tighten around my neck, crushing the bones beneath his grip. Darkness engulfs me as my soul leaves my body.

In that final moment, I realize the true extent of the darkness that had consumed Adam. Our once shared past, filled with laughter and love, now lies shattered and stained with blood. The monster he had become had claimed not only his own humanity but had taken away everything that mattered to me.

                 The AfterLife:

I am floating, detached from the world below. I observe my lifeless body lying on the floor as Adam weeps, but strangely, I feel no sadness. Instead, I am filled with a profound sense of happiness and peace. Drifting higher, I find myself soaring above the city of Phoenix, amused at how small it appears from this vantage point.

But my ascent doesn't stop there. I continue to ascend, passing through the layers of the atmosphere, beyond the reaches of space and time. Eventually, I gently descend onto a cloud, right in front of pearly white gates.

Standing at the gates, Roman is engrossed in reading a long list. Overwhelmed with joy, I rush into his waiting arms. "We can spend eternity together," I exclaim, my voice resonating with a melodious tone.

But his expression remains solemn, and my laughter fades as confusion takes hold. "What's wrong?" I ask, unable to comprehend how anything could be amiss in this moment of bliss.

His eyes meet mine, filled with sorrow. "I knew my soul was damned. You're going to heaven, my love, but I did not make it in."

My heart sinks, aching with the realization that our eternity will be spent apart. The joy I had felt dissipates, replaced by a deep sadness. How could I find happiness in heaven if I couldn't be with the one I loved?

The End.

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