Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Isabella Kay

Authors note: I own nothing; all JKR!

Part three is coming soon!


By the time we'd sorted out which property was mine and which was Hermione's, we were halfway to Hogwarts. Not that my brother or his friend helped us...

I shook my head as I zipped my bag up. Why was I thinking these these random thoughts? They certainly weren't helping at all. This was just great, wasn't it? We're stuck with Malfoy all year, and now our bags tip up! I swear, someone out there is after us... I don't know who, but I bet it's Malfoy. It always has been before, he could have stolen the invisibility cloak. But why would he? He thought that Ron and Harry wern't here, so what could the reason be? I hit my head, hoping to knock some sense into it. Maybe it was... oh, I don't know, Moaning Myrtle or someone like that... "Oh, I give up!" I exclaim, and too late I realise that I have spokn out loud. I look up to see three confused faces staring at me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to say anything..." I say, before muttering, "out loud."

But anyway, if it wasn't Malfoy, who could it be? Moaning Myrtle didn't seem amazingly likely, so... who was it then? Actually, it was probably just a one-off. That sort of thing could happen to anyone, couldn't it? But why did it have to happen to me and Hermione and not Ron and Harry? That was the really annoying thing. We'll probably never hear the end of it now.

"Ginny? Ginny? GINNY!" Hermione pinched me.

"What?" I said, suddenly aware of my surroundings. I didn't need Hermione to say anymore. We were at Hogwarts.


The first to seventh year students had already gone to bed, so we had the whole Great Hall to ourselves. The long tables had changed around, and I saw that Gryffindor table was where Ravenclaw table used to be. We walked up the table untill we found some seats, and aswe sat down Ron moaned, "Where's all the food?"

Hermione slapped him. "Professor McGonagall hasn't spoken yet. We have to wait until then. Why do you always think about food, Ronald?"


"Welcome back to Hogwarts. As you know, this part of the school is a university, and therefore, all Prefects will keep their duties." Professor McGonagall said. Yes, I was still a prefect! Amuszed, I look over at Ron, who was looking particually annoyed at this news.

"Why won't your brother just grow up?" I muttered to Ginny, who just stared at me with an I-don't-know look.

"Argus Filch would like to remind you that you are still not allowed into certain parts of the school, like the restricted section of the library ("to late for that!" Harry muttered) and the kitchens."

"Again, too late" Ron said.

"Now, please enjoy the feast!"

"At last!" Ron exclaimed as the empty plates in front of us filled with many goods; turkey, chicken, peas, carrots, potatoes; roast and mash, every meal you could think of! Our goblets filled with pumpkin juice and soon the hall was filled with chatter and laughter.

A Harry Potter Fan Fiction; Hogwarts UniversityWhere stories live. Discover now