Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to Isabella Kay

Authors note; OK, let's be serious now. It's obvious that no-one on Wattpad is JKR.... I mean, seriously. Once again, I apologise for the long chapter and thank Izzy and Jo...

Oh and spoiler for the seventh book!


Me, Ron and Hermione were walking down the corridors about two months after the arguments. It was on of those rare occasions that all three of us had the same lesson- in this case, Potions.

At least Snape was out the way.

Suddenly, I banged into someone and my books fell all over that floor.

Not again!

I looked up to ask the person what they thought they were doing- and saw Harry.

I gasped in shock. It had onlybeen five minutes since Ron had commented (rather sarcastically) how great we sounded, The Chosen One's best friends (and 'girlfriend') had turned against him, just like that.

Or words  to that effect.

Then Hermione had hit him and told him not to be so loud, as someone was bound to hear him, and then it would be all over the school.

But then, Hermione being Hermione, she'd used a lot of logical vocabulary, most of which nor Ron or me could understand. But, if you could understand it, you'd be amazing. Like her.

Hermione's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Um... h-h-hello."

She sounded very cautious.

The tension in the hallway was so thick, you could have cut it with a knife. Everyone was staring at us. Tje air became very icy from the tension. Then:

"Hey Ron, isn't it your birthday in a few weeks?" Harry asked.  "What do you want- a hippogriff?" he finsihed innocently.

The room immediately thawed. There was laughter and smiles: just the way things used to be.

"Hey, what are you guys looking at?" I ask the people crowding the corridor, clutching my sides with laughter.



As we sat in the common room, I couldn't help smiling at the Hippogriff idea and the fact that we were all friends again. Harry even had his arm around Ginny. But, just by looking at them, I could tell that the trouble with Cho wasn't over...

I felt Ron touch my arm.

"Are you alright?" he asked looking concerned.

I whisper my worries to him. How Ginny looks so happy now, but I'm absolutely terrified that Harry will break her heart again. With Cho. And suddenly I was spilling everything to him... how I'd felt when Harry called me a... a you-know-what, how upset I had been when I had fought with Ginny, what the fight was about...

And he just listened to my blabbering, and put an arm around me when I began to cry.

And the whole time, Harry and Ginny had been laughing, unaware of our situation.

I don't think they even heard us.

But anyway, I still think it will happen.

The Thing I said earlier will happen.

I know I sound like Trelawny, but still, I'm sure it will.

Mothing ever ends just like that.

I'm sure of it.

It's just to strange.


Author's note; SSSSSSOOOOOOOOOO, do you like the ending?
OK, so coming up in Chapter ten, a rather large storyline will come in that will last a few chapters. Then it will get dramatic.
Sorry if you like Cho Chang.


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