Chapter 13

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A/N; The next few chapters will be from Hermione's point of view. I won't say why. OK, this is a bit of a... hmmm.... horrible chapter, but still!

It took me a while to realize that I had fallen to the floor. Letting Ron help me up, I tried to get my head around the fact that Cho Chang was in the Fat Lady's portrait. Without the Fat Lady.

She flashed us one of her horrible sarcastic grins, "Well? Aren't you going to let me out?" she asked, and when we didn't answer, or act upon, what she had said, she screeched, "LET ME OUT! NOW! OR, WHEN I DO GET OUT, WHICH I WILL, I WILL KILL YOU! AND I MEAN LITERALLY! I DON'T FEEL ANY GUILT AT ALL FROM USING 'AVADA KEDAVRA', ESPECIALLY IF IT GETS RID OF YOU!"

At this point, Ron held me closer to him, as if he thought that that alone would protect me. That's when I realized how fast my breathing had become.

"Shut up. We don't know how to get you out. Don't take it out on us." Ron growled.


"Don't. Call. Her. Mudblood."

"Hey, it's a free country. I'll call her what I like. So, Mudblood..."


That's when I found myself on the floor again. Cho stared at Ron with undisguised loathing.

"And I'll keep doing that to her. And when I get out, I think I'll kill the Mudblood first."

"NO! If you so much as touch her, I'll... I'll... I'll kill you. And I won't care one bit. I wouldn't feel even the tiniest amount of guilt. Not any at all. So don't you DARE lay a single finger on her. As you may have guessed, the consequences will be great. And while we're on the subject, you've made me really, really mad. So don't think for one second that I'm messing about, or trying to scare you. I really will kill you." Ron said, his voice soft and dangerous, as he helped me up and sat me on the nearest bench.

Cho gave out a small laugh. "You don't scare me. Harry wouldn't talk to you for a week if you did that to me."

Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I wanderded when the name "Harry" was going to pop up. We were so lucky that he was in detention.

"Harry wouldn't be on your side if you'd just tried to kill Hermione. We're his best friends. And becuase of you, he's broken my sister's heart. I hope you're happy now."

"As if I care about that stupid cow!"

Anger pulsed through me, and before I knew it, I was standidng beside Ron. Then, the room began to spin, and I felt myself fallig sideways. Ron caught me.

"What have you done to her?"

"Well, unfortunately I can't use Avada Kedavra behind this painting, but I can use this rather useful spell that the Dark Lord made up.I'm very good friends with Draco Malfoy, you see. It makes the person at the receiving end very weak. It makes it a lot easier to use the Unforgivable curses.

At least it explained why my head was aching.

"Well stop it. NOW." Ron spat. I smiled gratefully at him, before leaning in to whisper

"You won't really kill her, will you?" In his ear. He shook his head, squeezed my hand and whispered

"I'm just trying to scare her. But if she hurts you, then... I'll really feel driven to it." I squeezed his hand back to show how grateful I was.

Then, Harry walked past and saw Cho in the painting.

"What did you do?" He asked us, somewhat angrily.

"Calm down mate. We didn't do anything." Ron stated.

A Harry Potter Fan Fiction; Hogwarts UniversityWhere stories live. Discover now