Chapter 16

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A/N; None of these characters are mine, they're all JKR's, etc etc. Thank you to all my freinds for being supporitive etc etc.

Spoiler for the fifth book!


Amused, I looked at Harry, who was still blabbering his thoughts away. The rest of Gryffindor were gathered around him, none of them hearing what he was saying, and Cho was drumming her fingers on the front of the painting. By the looks of things, her really needed help.

"Oh come on Harry. Think about it. Who do you know the most?" Ron asked.

The answer to that was clear. Ginny.

Seeing where he was going, I said, "And who have you grown up with?"

Again, the answer was Ginny.

"And which one of them has always been your friend?"


I decided to take a new turn on things...

"Who didn't trust you in the first place?"

That had another obvious answer, but this time, of course, the answer wasn't Ginny. It was Cho.

"And does it help if I tell you this... Cho threatened to kill us, it's Cho that's making Hermione like this, and Cho keeps calling Hermione a Mudblood. Any easier now?"

"Hey, that's not fair. You've never liked me." Cho snapped.

Harry looked confused and angry. I could see his face turning redder and redder as Ron mentioned all the things that Cho had done in the past hour. I had to add more.

"Cho called Ginny a cow as well." I added.

"Hmmm.... this does make things a lot easier..." Harry took a deep breath, and none of us were prepared for what was coming next... "CHO! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" he began, and I had to cluthch my head again, "I TRUSTED YOU! BUT OBVOIOUSLY I WAS WRONG TO! HOW COULD YOU, AFTER ALL I'VE DONE FOR YOU..."

Just then, a new, dreamy voice spoke;

"What's goig on here? Why is Cho Chang in a painting?" We all turne around to see Luna Lovegood.

A/N; I know I only do short chapters, but there will be long ones in the very near future... I hope.

A Harry Potter Fan Fiction; Hogwarts UniversityWhere stories live. Discover now