Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to Jo Keyes

A/N; Sorry for the short chapter! And the fact that this whole thing went wrong; all mu chapters got jumbled and this chapter deleted itself! Oh yeah, and you know what this should say.

Thanks to Jo and Izzy, my friends and the people who have basically become my editor type people...




The glass I was grasping in my clammy hands slid out of my grip and smashed to the floor. Beside me, Ron fell of his seat. But neither of us noticed as we stared in shock at Ginny, who was now howling like Lupin used to howl, but this time with tears streaming down her pale, tired face.

"Harry kissing Cho? I thought that had stopped when..." Ron tried to finish the rest of his sentence, but seemed unable to from the horror of the fact of which we had just been told.

"No, Ronald, you weren't imagining it, before you ask." I whisper, feeling my face becoming paler by the second.

Ron put his arm around me.

"Are you sure you saw that?" he asked Ginny.

Ginny looked up at him with narrowed eyes.
"Why would I imagine it? I think it's your fault, actually, as Harry spoke to you last of all." she snapped.

Ron opened his mouth to retort, but before he could say anything, I spoke up,

"Oh please, please don't get into an arguement again! I don't want a repeat of yesterday..." my voice began to break.

"Nor do I. Look what happened this time! Look, just don't say Harry- NO! I just said it- and it will all be fine. I hope." Ginny sighed.


A/N; Once again, sorry for the short chapter! And sorry for the messed-upness of my chapters... it's being fixed! REVIEW PLEASE!

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