5: Rip

11 0 0

Bold- Tall

Italic- Emily

Italic Underline- Note

"Emily! Where are you?"

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"Emily! Where are you?"

The sound of the man walking around the apartment setting his things down while searching for Emily reaches Emily's ears and she tries to contain her tears.

Emily flips over onto her side and pretends to be asleep, tossing around lightly. She shoves her face into her pillow to hide the tears streaming down her face.

The creak of a door opening reaches Emily's ears and she contains her sobs, pretending to breathe evenly.

"Emily? Are you asleep?"

The man comes around to look at Emily's face and sighs when he sees her asleep.

A soft hand touches Emily and the sound of paper ripping is above Emily. A soft goodbye is uttered and the front door close.

Unmeasured minutes pass by before Emily sets up and sees Tall's bag dropped on the floor. A single note remains on the counter.

Babe, I had to head my parents quickly. I was hoping you could come as well, but you were asleep. I'll be eating dinner with them, so don't wait up for me. See you at 7, babe. Love you!

P.S. Call me when you wake up, I wanna talk to you.

Emily pulls out her phone and dials Tall quickly.

"Hey, babe!"


"How was your nap?"

"Good, I was just super tired after my meeting."

"Oh! What about the meeting? How did it go?"

Emily's hip leans against the counter and she looks at the wall.

"Not great, but okay. I don't really want to talk about it."

"I'm sure you did great, babe."

Shuffles are heard from the other side and then deep breathing.

"I have to go, Em. See you tonight at 7. Love you!"

"Love you, have a good time with your parents."

The line goes dead and Emily's eyes bore into her phone. Seconds fly by and she shakes her head, moving on.

uthor's Note

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uthor's Note

1/14/17 12:45 p.m. in my sister's living room

I've been staying with my sister and taking care of her kids, but I really wanted to update for y'all so here you go!

If you like this chapter then please like and comment, but don't feel obligated.

Thank you for reading!

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