4: Trickle

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It is only alone, truly alone that one bursts apart, springs forth. -Maria Isabel Barreno


Bold- Tall/The Man

Italic- Emily

A soft meow is all that can be heard around the room for a moment

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A soft meow is all that can be heard around the room for a moment.

Small black eyes stare into confused hazel ones.

Emily pulls her face into a convincing smile and nods quickly.

"I love it!"

"Really? I'm glad. I thought that since I'm going to have to be working late a lot soon you'd need a companion."

Quiet mews of attention seeking come from the small kitten in Emily's palm.

Water trickles into a saucer held by Emily's clammy hands.

A low yawn comes from behind Emily, and the man retires to his room with a mumble of being tired.

A strained silence envelops the room as she gently sets the kitten down on a makeshift bed.

After an hour or so of preparing the house for the kitten, and playing with her for a bit, Emily meanders back to the bedroom. Tall stretches and sits up with his phone held tightly in his hand.

"Honey? I need to head over to Drew's for the night to fix some paperwork... I'll be back late, is that okay?"

Emily nods and give him a reassuring smile.

A quick, sad peck is shared as she leans over the bed and Tall grabs his jacket.

"Have fun."

The familiar sound of the door closing sounds and slow tears trickle down Emily's face, but she doesn't pay mind to them.

Author's Note

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Author's Note

12:59 a.m. in my bedroom

I hope y'all had great holidays, an amazing new year, and are loving 2017 so far. I have high hopes for this year, but I choose to focus more on the now than the present. That being said, I always have high hopes for this book.

It has been a pleasure to write, edit, and critique this chapter mercilessly. I hope you like it! If you do don't forget to like and comment.

Lots of love, Rachel.

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