6: Helps

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Jealousy : an infection of the soul, a weight on the mind. -Rachel Anne


Bold- Tall

Italic- Emily/Em

Underline- William/Will

Underline- William/Will

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"I swear I'm not crazy."

A loud chuckle erupts from Will and Emily cracks a grin.

"You're such a liar, Em."

Emily fake gasps and puts a hand on her chest.

"I'm wounded, Will."

A slow smirk forms on his face and he bumps her shoulder from the side.

"Oh, now I know you're a liar."

Emily and Will turn to face each other, staring into each other's eyes in a jokingly competitive way. Will begins to move his eyebrows and Emily retaliates by sticking a tongue out at him. They both stifle a laugh, but the sound of the door opening breaks their focus and they erupt into laughing messes.

Emily falls forward onto Will's shoulder and puts her hands there to keep from falling. The pair shake with laughter and begin to grow quiet as their breathing can't keep up, but soon they laugh louder than ever. Will begins to fall towards the side and accidentally pulls Emily down with him.

They collapse into a jumbled up pile of limbs on the ground whilst still laughing.

Tall walks in and his eyes find the pair on the ground. His jaw ticks repeatedly, but he's silent all the while.

The hyenas on the ground look up at Tall and begin to sober up, only giggling every now and then. With a great deal of effort they manage to untangle and look up at Tall like two mischievous children.

"Hello, honey. Sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but William came over to talk about a new book of his that's getting published! Isn't that amazing?"

Tall's eyes drink in Emily and the carefree smile on her face, the look of happiness, her hair all ruffled in a playful way, and the way her eyes so easily slip off of him. He smiles at them both and moves to sit on the couch.

"Congrats, William! How about we celebrate by going out for dinner?"

William smiles at Tall slowly.

"Actually, Em and I already made plans with a few writer friends. We're going to go to the Italian place a few blocks down."

Tall nods, and within thirty minutes William and Emily leave.

She kissed Tall before she left and hugged him.

"I'll call at 9, okay? I won't be out too long, promise."

Tall smiles against her forehead.

"I'll have hot chocolate with 5 marshmallows waiting."

Nine rings fills the room as the clock strikes 9:00.

But she doesn't call. Not at 9:00. Not at 9:45. Not even at 10:45.

She never calls.

Tall sits at the counter with hot chocolate, but she doesn't come home until 2 a.m.

She stumbles and hiccups, but he catches her and folds his arms around her. He holds her hair as she pukes, rubs circles on her back, helps her change into new pajamas, and finally tucks her into bed.

Him, not William.

Author's Note

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Author's Note

5:55 p.m. in my bedroom while watching Glee for the 15th time

I never update *insert crying laughing face* but meh, it doesn't matter.

Lots of lerrvvvvvv, Rachel

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