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After seeing how into Hoseok was to skateboarding, it was no surprise to anyone that the following day, he was at the park before no one else. He had skipped the bus in the morning and cycled to school with the skateboard between his backpack and himself. After school he hurried to the park to be there before others.

He left his backpack to the bench, his bike next to it and started skating. After practicing so hard and then sleeping so his brain would memorize it, he handled skateboarding pretty well already - or at least compared to the day before. He wasn't doing any tricks yet, the thought of going on top of the ramp seemed scary but just went around on the flat ground.

It had been the first time in months that he had felt excited getting up and leaving for school. The school part of the day was shit like usual but during breaks he took his skateboard with him to his usual smoking place. He tried to do some ollie type of thing because he had seen Changkyun doing it a lot at the park before. Of course, Hoseok didn't even know how to do it so he ended up falling down and almost hitting his head on the wall.

"I did not expect to see you here this soon," a guy arriving with a scooter said. Hoseok flashed him a smile and jumped off his skateboard, taking a few running steps to catch it. "There is this one guy who hangs around here sometimes and he wanted to learn skateboarding."

"Uh-huh," Hoseok stepped on the end of his board and caught the another end with his hand as it came up.

"He didn't have your patience and he gave up after a day because he just kept falling and wouldn't learn to keep his balance," Hyunwoo rolled the bar of his scooter around as he spoke.

"I fell only a few times," Hoseok let go of the board to show his palms that looked nasty. "I guess my balance is naturally good."

Hyunwoo laughed and Hoseok wondered why because he hadn't intended to say anything funny. Hyunwoo started to scoot towards one of the ramps. Hoseok continued to skate around. A few times he let his board go up the ramp for a meter or something with the speed he had. He thought that he should probably ask Changkyun to teach him something because he still couldn't even understand how to do an ollie.

Just after he had thought about that, Changkyun, Jooheon and some guy whose name Hoseok didn't know, arrived. Jooheon and the third guy were riding bikes and Changkyun was holding Jooheon's shoulder so he wouldn't have to do any work and could just stand on top of his skateboard without doing anything.

"Do you see that?" Changkyun gasped to Jooheon, pointing at Hoseok who flashed them a smile in a same manner he had done with Hyunwoo. Changkyun let go of Jooheon's shoulder and skated to where Hoseok was, doing an ollie to jump on top of the funbox before landing next to Hoseok. "Are you doing good."

"I wish I could do something like that," Hoseok answered, referring to what Changkyun had done before.

"Slow down, mate. You can't learn to skateboard in one day," Changkyun laughed and patted Hoseok's shoulders. He was actually the same age with Hoseok but still acted like he was much more mature than him. "But I will teach you some day if you want," he continued after Hoseok seemed to be disappointed by the fact that he couldn't do any of the 'fun stuff' yet.

Changkyun started to skateboard towards one of the ramps and Hoseok skated to the bench where Hyunwoo was now too. He sat down just in time to see Jooheon almost running over Changkyun with his BMX.

Hoseok opened a can of energy drink he had bought on his way from school to the skate park.

"Can I have a sip?" Hyunwoo asked and Hoseok gave him the can without even saying anything. He followed what the other guys did at the ramps. The new guy whose name Hoseok didn't know was much more clumsy as a skater, he was not even near Changkyun's level, even though Hoseok wasn't the best person to judge that.

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