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Hyungwon led them to Jooheon's backyard and they sat on top of a garden bench. They couldn't hear the music that much anymore, only the beat of the music. Hyungwon took a small speaker from his backpack. He connected his phone to it and slow, relaxing Post Malone song started playing.

"You don't like the party?" Hoseok asked since it was kind of weird that Hyungwon wanted to go somewhere else as soon as he arrived.

"It's fine," Hyungwon said, putting his drink on the table next to the speaker that just changed to some other song. "I just don't feel like being in there right now."


"You don't seem like that type of a guy either," he turned to Hoseok and they had that eye contact again.

"What type?"

"Who likes to party. Like the others."

"Yeah, I have never really been to parties before," Hoseok muttered, wishing he would still have something to drink.


Hoseok nodded and started digging his pockets. He took out a cigarette pack - he had bought it from Gingerboy earlier - and took one cigarette. Usually he stole cigarettes from his dad who never noticed but now Ginger, who seemed to always have cigarettes with him, offered to be his new dealer. Luckily he had something else but the menthol ones too because Hoseok would rather have other things.

"You can have the first one for free," Gingerboy had said but Hoseok had insisted to pay. Ginger always talked about how everyone else was so kind but in reality he was also one of the kind ones as well. Hoseok didn't know where the redhead had gotten them if his supplier was on a holiday like he had said. Maybe he just had a lot of them at home.

"That's a really bad habit," Hyungwon said, looking at Hoseok's cigarette with a doubt. "Give me one too."

Hoseok put a hand inside his pocket again and took out one more cigarette to give it to Hyungwon. There was a small silence. Then Hoseok let out a puff of smoke in the air and spoke, "Why do you smoke if you know it's a bad habit?"

"Everybody who smokes knows it's bad. You know it too," Hyungwon was looking somewhere afar as he talked but Hoseok had eyes fixed at him. "It's weird how we are so attached to things that are killing us."

"That sound so philosophical," Hoseok snorted. He looked ahead and saw a couple coming out of the house. Lee Sang, who was helping Jen to stay up, made the girl sit on the porch. She seemed to be really drunk and Lee Sang was trying to calm down the crying girl.

"That girl is so strong," Hyungwon muttered and looked away, bringing the cigarette to his lips. "I'm glad she has Sang."

"He seems like a really good guy," Hoseok said, still looking at the couple on the porch.

"He is. Doesn't talk a lot though."

After a while, Lee Sang helped Jen to walk to the motorcycle. He made her sit on the front and came behind her, putting another hand around her to keep her still while he started the vehicle. Then they left.

There was silent again, only the fading sound of the motorcycle as the drove away. Hoseok felt dizzy. He realized that he had probably drank a lot and started to wonder if that crying stage would hit him soon too. He had never really been properly drunk before. Sure he had drank alcohol but only a little bit except for that one time when he took sleeping medicine and some strong liquor, only to wake up in a hospital the next day. He had been almost sent to a psych ward because the doctors were convinced he had been trying to kill himself.

Hoseok felt that Hyungwon had been staring at him for a while already. He turned to look at him and saw the guy leaning closer to him. Even though he was drunk, he quickly realized what was about to happen and pulled further away from Hyungwon before he could could kiss him. He sat awkwardly there, looking to everywhere else but at Hyungwon with a two feet distance between them.

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