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Hoseok was drunk enough for Hyungwon to not want to see him getting on top of a skateboard so he carried both of their boards and they walked side by side each other all the way to Hyungwon's house which was in the opposite direction from the park compared to Hyunwoo's. Hoseok stumbled on his feet a bit and had to grab Hyungwon by his jacket to keep himself from falling to the ground.

"Hold on," Hyungwon said and made Hoseok stop before he could continue the walk. He turned Hoseok around a bit and put both of their skateboards behind Hoseok's back so they would stay there, hanging from the backpack. "Get on my back," Hyungwon got a little lower so Hoseok could climb on.

First Hoseok almost made Hyungwon fall too because he failed to get on his back and Hyungwon was about to lose his balance. Hoseok put hands on his shoulders and Hyungwon had to pick him up by his legs because apparently Hoseok couldn't do it properly. He made Hoseok jump up a little so he could get his arms better under Hoseok's knees and Hoseok wrapped his arms around Hyungwon's neck and rested his head on Hyungwon's other shoulder.

"Try to stay still, this is hard enough anyways," Hyungwon said and started walking. Hoseok wasn't exactly heavy but carrying him still wasn't easy, especially when he was leaning in one direction and pulling Hyungwon there with him.

"Are you saying I weight too much?" Hoseok asked and Hyungwon turned his head a bit to look at the guy on his back.

"I should just work out more," Hyungwon admitted and positioned Hoseok better on his back again. Skateboarding was the only sport Hyungwon did so he didn't really have much muscle on his body.

They didn't talk for the rest of the way to Hyungwon's house. Hyungwon walked slowly so his thighs wouldn't start to cramp so quickly. At some point he thought Hoseok had fallen asleep because the guy seemed to lay on his back so peacefully with his head resting against Hyungwon's but when they finally came to his house and Hoseok jumped down on his own, Hyungwon was glad he hadn't started to assume anything.

"Are your parents still not home?" Hoseok asked when he looked up the house and saw that almost all the lights were off. Hyungwon started walking towards the back of the house where his door was at.

"They will be home by tomorrow morning," Hyungwon answered and took keys from his pocket to open the door. His parents had meetings all over the country often and they were often gone for few days at the time since they were also into travelling and staying in other cities. Sometimes Hyungwon didn't notice their absence because he was often out or in his basement but of course he would have appreciated if they were there more - especially because of Yongguk.

"Aren't you afraid being alone?" Hoseok stepped in the house and closed the door behind him.

"What would I be afraid of?" Hyungwon let out a laugh. He grabbed a controller and sat on his couch. "Also this house is so well secured that nothing unwanted could come in here."

"I don't know," Hoseok shrugged, thinking about how he wouldn't even be able to sleep alone in a big house like Hyungwon's. He sat next to Hyungwon and took the same controller he used the last time from the floor.

"I was more scared when I was little but you get used to it," Hyungwon spoke, his eyes fixed on the screen as he chose the same game they played last time. A second of darkness later the logo flashed on the screen. He switched over to Spotify and soon a heavy beat of the song he had chosen started coming from the speakers instead of the music of the game.

Hoseok didn't say anything and they started to play the game. Hoseok had a guess that Hyungwon played a lot on his free time when he was often alone and that was how he was so good. Hoseok in the other hand was a quick learner and even though FIFA was not in his list of games he usually played, he was getting a hand of it quickly after the first time. They were pretty much equal which Hyungwon was glad about because he liked competition. They played the game without really talking much and just focusing on the game, only letting out random curses or groans every now and then when they missed a perfect opportunity to score or when the other scored.

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