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After the hour Hoseok promised to Hyungwon was over, the older immediately started to remind Hoseok that they were supposed to leave. Hoseok cooperated without complaining about staying at the park for any longer. As they were about to go, they saw Hyunwoo and Gingerboy coming from the other direction. The two of them looked like they were in good terms again and seemed to be talking and joking around with each other really casually.

"Hi!" Hoseok shouted and waved at them to catch their attention. Hyunwoo waved back when in the other hand Gingerboy seemed a bit like he wished Hoseok wouldn't have been there.

"Are you just leaving?" Hyunwoo asked when they got to where Hoseok was. He was smiling really brightly.

"Yeah, Hyungwon wants to go," Hoseok said and Hyungwon raised his brows after getting blamed for their leave. "Looks like you two made up."

"This little one just needed some persuading," Hyunwoo smiled, put his arm behind the smaller guy's neck and pulled him closer to press a kiss on his temple. Gingerboy immediately fought himself free and took a few steps back to dropkick Hyunwoo. The older skillfully dodged it. Hoseok covered his smiling mouth with his fist and eyed Hyungwon to see if he was as surprised.

"What the fuck, Hyunwoo!" Ginger yelled but the other guy just laughed, making the redhead seem even more annoyed.

"We never talked about keeping it a secret," Hyunwoo remarked.

"Ah, I can't even get mad," Gingerboy pouted and continued walking. Hyunwoo gave confused-looking Hoseok a smile and then followed the other.

"Woah, I'm amazed," Hoseok said to Hyungwon who nodded while looking where the two guys were going. "They finally revealed their feelings." Hoseok felt joyful because this was the first time he had witnessed the chemistry between two of his friends and hoped that they would get together and to see it actually happen.

Hoseok and Hyungwon continued their walk away from the park. Hyungwon held his hand and interlocked their fingers, making Hoseok's smile grow wider.

"So, what do you want to eat?" Hyungwon asked, since a part of their date was supposed to be food.

"We just ate ramen like... an hour ago or something," Hoseok scoffed and Hyungwon looked somewhat disappointed.

"You're not hungry?"

"Uhm... Yeah, I'm not," Hoseok chuckled and looked at Hyungwon slightly.

"Then let's have something else," Hyungwon said and they stopped by at a store.

He picked a basket and told Hoseok to put in whatever he wanted. Hoseok seemed happy about it and soon the bottom was already filled with snacks and drinks. Hyungwon stared at it frozen.

"You told me you were not hungry," he was amazed by the amount of things Hoseok was suddenly craving for.

"Dessert goes to a different stomach," Hoseok said, putting a bucket of ice cream into the basket Hyungwon was carrying.

"You're amazing," Hyungwon let out, staring at Hoseok with a love-filled gaze, stars in his eyes and the corners of his lips turning upwards. Hoseok couldn't notice it, thought, having all his attention in deciding what else he wanted to get.

"Do you want something?" Hoseok suddenly asked, waking Hyungwon up from the trance-like state he was in.

"No," Hyungwon shook his head and looked down to see what was in the basket now. "Are you done?"

"I think so," Hoseok looked around to see if there was anything else he wanted. Then he saw how he had filled the basket with so much stuff and began to feel some guilt since it was Hyungwon's credit card that would be used to pay for all that.

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