2. Lillian, no!

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All the love to haven-- and thank you LightxShadow for the wonderful idea.

'Driver, stop!' I commanded, tapping the roof of the carriage I was sitting in, with my cane.

I reached my destination that was actually a cliff.

That Dalgliesh had challenged me to a duel. That is what brought me here.

And I was going to win this time. I won't let him defeat me the way he did in the colonies.

I was not afraid, mind you. But there was this feeling, lodged in me that I couldn't name.

I didn't want to die.

I wanted to live tomorrow. But do you know why?

For Lillian, of course.

No! It is so that I can be the unchallenged master in the world of business. So that I could be stronger than every man on earth.

So Lillian is not a reason?

Well, she does contribute a little to it.

Coming back to the duel, I had Karim follow me at a careful distance in case Dalgliesh went back on his words. Which I was sure he would do.

I stepped out of the carriage and made my way towards the cliff.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw a familiar figure already standing there and I held my breath for a moment.

Was that Lillian? What was she doing here? How did she get to know about it?

From where I stood, I could only see her back . No, it couldn't be Lillian. She would never have her hair done this way, elegantly and beautifully. She would never be wearing such an expensive and elegant gown.

I walked towards her and called out.

She slightly jumped and turned around.

It was Lillian. She was looking beautiful, really beautiful. I couldn't believe it was Lillian. It was difficult to believe Lillian looking so well groomed when I have always seen her simply dressed or well, dressed as a man.

Well, I still think the nightgown is my favourite.

Shut up, you pervert!

'Mr. Ambrose? What are you doing here?' she asked looking confused. So she didn't know anything about the duel.

That is even worse.

It means I will have to tell her and will have to force her to go out of this place. And as far as I know, it will be a really difficult task.

A walking invitation to trouble, isn't she?

'Miss Linton, you need to get out of here,' I said.

'Why?' she asked but didn't get any answer.

I kept silent and glared at her. But the stubborn woman she is, she glared right back at me.

As much as I liked the fact that my flares didn't affect her, right now, it wasn't helping.

'Miss Linton, it is not safe for you to be here and you must go away immediately,' I can't risk Dalgliesh watching you, Lillian.

I soon realised that what I said was definitely not a good idea.

She narrowed her eyes.

'What do you mean it is not safe for me? If you are going to start with your chauvinist lectures here, I'll shove you down the cliff,' she growled.

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