Chapter 8

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I opened the door to the room, and in it was a small table with a blob of something , with sprinkles on it. "Surprise! Happy Birthday!" Winter and Jacin quickly said. "Well technically your birthday is tomorrow but we thought we would throw you a party today!" Said Jacin, I am so happy I don't know what to say. "Oh, wow, thank you!" Then Winter rushed to the blob and poured the sprinkles on it."We made you a cake!" I looked around and didn't see any utensils."Where are the forks." Then Jacin looked at Winter and quickly said." U eat with your hands!" They forgot it, whatever. "Yay!" So we ate the cake, and it was very good. Once we finished we left the mess there. And went to my room and took a nap on the rug.  We woke at 6:23 then the servants brought us dinner, which was the signal for Jacin to go. Now it was me and Winter. And once we brushed our teeth and changed into our night gowns, we went to bed. "Good night." I said, "Good night." Winter replied, and as soon  as my face touched the pillow I fell asleep.

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