Chapter 6

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A/N Sorry for not posting, I was grounded. Now i can finish writing and I have a new story to post!

                                                                       Elisia Baudelie XD

We saw Goblin looking creatures sitting behind each desk, Lizzy squeezed my hand harder.

"Dont be afraid of the goblins, they arent the friendliest of all creatures but their the cleverest." Elizabeths dad whispered behind us.

As we approach a goblin at one of the granite desks Elizabeths dad whispered something to Elizabeths mum. So she turns around and stops in front of me and Lizzy while her dad keeps walking.

"Darling could you girls go outside and look around the shops and we will come back with the money okay?"

"Yea of course mum." Elizabeth still holding on to my hand walked outside dragging me with her.

We looked around at all the thousands of shops. I looked at lizzy

"What now?" I asked, her face was all scrunched up in confusion. I sighed.

"Hey Lizzy how about...Quality Qui..Quidditch Supplies?" I stuttered at the word quidditch.

Lizzy nodded as we skipped over to the shop. In the window there was a mannequin with a uniform on. It had a leather cap on its head and a wooden bat in its hand.We opened the door and the shop was not as crowded as Gringotts. Then I saw a Ginger family, there was a short plump ginger woman with a kind smile. There also was a tall man with Emerald Greem Robes and thin flaming red hair.

Then there were 5 Kids, a girl with ginger hair who seemed to be about 8 years old, a small boy who seed only 9 who had ginger hair also. Then there were 2 twin boys, they were completely indentical...Excecpt...for one. He seemed different than his twin. Lizzy nudged me in the ribs with her elbow.

"ohhh I see like him" She whispered as her warm breathe hit my neck. I shivered. I Gaped at the boy for about 3 minutes until he turned around and faced me. My eyes widened as he smiled at me. I quickly left the shop  withoust even looking around. In the backround I heard The short ginger woman yell.

"Fred! George! Not again!" She screeched. Well I guess their names are Fred and George. I walked away with a smile feeling satisfied.

A/N Sorry that its not that long but I have to start posting my new story. Please comment!!!!!

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