Chapter 10

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A/N Hello!!!! My goal on this story is to finish by October for the Watty Awards! Please, please, please! read this! Comment, vote, fan, etc.

George's P.O.V:

I pulled Over Elisia to the Couch in the common room. I looked at her, and saw the most gorgeous girl in the world! Oh why did I have to love a girl I just met! I wanted to kiss her right then and there.

"What is it George?" She asked looking nervous.

"Uhhhh Nothing" I lied looking away. I guess I will never tell her the truth.

"Well I got to go to bed.. We got Class Tomorrow!" She said and I groaned remembering about classes. She got up and went up the stairs with me, We said goodbye and went our ways. I crawled into my cold bed and stayed up all night thinking about her.


Elisia's P.O.V:

I woke up to find everyone else still completely fast asleep, I sighed and got up and headed to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw a girl that is madly in love with a guy she just met. Is that even possible????

I went back into the silent room and grabbed my robes and fed Whimsly. I got dressed and did my hair and makeup and was soon ready for the day.

I excitedly glided down into the Common room to find George already awake and tired looking, he smiled when he saw me.

"Mooooorning Elisia! Ready for class?" He asked looking hyper.

"Well, not really but I'm starving so lets go to the great hall for Breakfast." I said yawning and siting next to George.

"But, its 7 am! I don't even think there's any food! how about you and me go for a little tour around the!?" He said grabbing my hand and running out the common room.

We ran down corridors and up and down stairs until we reached a Serene courtyard, with a fountain in the middle. All you could hear were birds, leaves rustling and the water. We sat down next to the fountain and awkwardly looked at each other.

"This place is gorgeous! This could be our little secret." I said nudging George in the ribs with my elbow. He smiled and nodded.

"Yeah..." He said.

"Elisia, Tell me more about yourself and your family." He asked moving his body to face me.

"Well, My mother is a Muggle and so is my father, I have a sister who is in college and I live in London and is very rich." I said and then gasped, I had forgotten that George is poor.

"I'm soo sorry George! I forgot you were..." He put his hand on my shoulder and smiled.

"No its okay, besides at least you don't have tons of brothers and sisters" He said.

"Now, What does your mother do?" He asked now looking interested again.

"Well, She is a very good doctor!" I said proudly.

"Oh and how about your dad" He asked.

That's when, my smile faded and darkness and sadness filled my heart.

"" I asked quivering at the word.

" there something wrong?" He asked looking at me like I'm dying.

"My father died when I was very young..... my mum said that he died in a plane crash when I was 1" I had broken down into tears and choking on then, as George Hugged me.

"I..i'm sorry George, I'm ruining your robes!" I said barely even able to speak,

"Hm, I think its time to go back in." He said pulling me back up and wiping the tears off my face. He pulled my arm again and arrived in the great hall which was filled with Witches and Wizard students.

Professor Mcgonagall, approached us with our times tables.

"Mr. Weasley, Mrs. Baudelie your Times tables." She said handing each of us a piece of parchment with a schedule.

We sat down at the Gryffindor table next to Fred and... Elizabeth?!?!  I guess she sneaked over just to see Fred. I giggled and sat down.

"Good morn...Ahh What! Potions first with SLYTHERINS!" George Yelled looking at the Slytherins and back over hear with the most disgusted look.

"Who Cares! Besides I shouldn't worry about Slytherins i would worry about....snape" I shuddered at the word.

"Hmph yeah.... he seems to me like a foul git" Fred said staring at the gross snape who was chatting with professor Quirrel.

"Freddie! You have potions with me!" She said not paying attention to what we were just talking about.

"I know.." Fred mumbled.

We sat there discussing our times tables and quidditch. That's when I then noticed a couple 3rd year boys looking at me all in a trance.

Was I that Beautiful?

"George time for potions" I said.

George Groaned and got, Fred, Lizzy, George and I walked arm in arm to the dungeons for Potions. We all were dreading to see......Snape.

In The Beginning: Year 1 (George Weasley Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now