Chapter 7

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The long weekend was finally over and I couldn't be happier. I did not enjoy the long weekend except on when Cyan slept over... 

But never mind that!

I was glad to be back.

As I walked around the halls to my homeroom I saw Cyan walk past and I waved but he didn't wave back. 

What was up with him? 

I shrugged it off and walked into homeroom doing the same exact thing as we always did. 

As I sat down getting ready to go, Dale announced that he was starting a new book.

"Ohhhh! Do tell!" I asked him raising my eyebrows. 

"Well.. it's gonna be about a kid who lives in the wastelands. It's gonna be a action adventure story!" He said pointing out all the details. 

"Your title should be Wasted." I laughed and Dale frowned.

"But it's not a comedy.." He muttered.

"But people like comedy-adventures!" I shouted.

We argued over the title until the bell rang. I groaned.

The day had finally begun....


and as soon as it had begun it ended. We heard a shrill shriek go through the school. 

"Everybody follow me! This is not a drill!" My math teacher shouted, all of us almost in tears.

This wasn't a drill?

We ran out of the building and into a field. 

No it wasn't a fire.

A person was in the building. Our teacher had made the decision to go outside instead of hide instead. 

We panicked. Even the jokey boys were silent now.

Why today? My skin started to sweat and my hands were shaking.

Was Cyan okay?

I knew my friends were okay because some were in my class and others were in the a class that had come with us. 

But Cyan was in a class near the unknown person. 

Oh god please let him be okay. 


They still weren't here. 

Cyan was still stuck in the building. 

I had already seen Finn exit the high school and wave to me. 

But not Cyan. 

I gulped.

I had been praying for 30 mins now. 

I had pretty much lost hope.

He must be dead, held captive, or something along those line.

I closed my eyes and let a tear (that I had been holding back for a while now) slip down my face. 

"Hey don't cry Sage." 

I opened my eyes and saw Cyan standing there casually. 

"Cyan!" I yelled and ran into him shaking and crying into his shirt. I felt thousands of eyes on my back but I really didn't give a f**k.  I felt his arms surround me without hesitation. 

"What happened?" I asked pulling away slightly to look into his eyes.

"The guy was really close to our classroom. We ended up going through the window." He explained shrugging.  "But I'm here now." he whispered holding me closer. 

More tears exploded from my eyes. 

"Cyan I was so worried! You could've gotten killed or- or worse!" I shouted hugging him tighter.

"Hey it's okay Sage. I'm okay." He whispered in my ear, petting my hair softly. 

I knew that I was going to be okay now. 


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