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Noah's POV

Days past before I saw or heard from Jordan, but now she was sitting across the table from me. She never answered my texts from Tuesday and Wes never explained what happened that night. The production meeting was brought to a close and everyone stood to leave and get lunch. Jordan stood and walked over to Shayne and Courtney, who excitedly talked about how happy they were to be working with Smosh. I sat for a second, just looking. Jordan was wearing a pretty, short dress made of red fabric. It juxtaposed her dark hair nicely. I couldn't help but stare at her legs for a moment, thin and tan. I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

"Noah." Two large hands found their way to my shoulders, scaring me. I tur

ned around and looked up at Wes.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Lunch?" He prompted.

"Um, I made plans with Jordan on Tuesday to get lunch today." I apologized for not going to lunch with him, Mari, and Ian.

"Okay, I'll see you Monday." He patted my shoulder amd walked off. I stayed seated, waiting for everyone to clear out. Shayne and Courtney walked off finally, talking about their own lunch plans.

"Hey Jordan." I stood up, hoping to get her attention before she was able to walk out of the room.

"Hey Noah." She mumbled, grabbing a blue notebook from the table.

"We still on for lunch today? I'll pay." I offered, hoping for a positive response.

"I'm actually not feeling that great, Noah." She frowned, "I think I'm going to just go home."

"Well," I looked toward her, "Can I come over? I kinda bailed on Wes for lunch because I thought we had plans. I'll make the best soup you've ever had to make you feel better." I smiled, hopeful for an acceptance to my offer. Jordan froze with one hand on the table.

"Well?" I prompted again.

"The best soup I've ever had?" Jordan cracked a small smile.

"The absolute best." I promised.

"Grab your stuff. But just know, I might be contagious."

Jordan's POV

My health quickly declined on the way home, I felt sick to my stomach and the fever I had obtained last night had broken. When we got to my house, Noah quickly ushered me to bed and wouldn't let me get up. He walked back and forth from the kitchen to my bedroom to ask for the location of items. After about forty-five minutes, he returned to me with two bowls. He handed me a hot bowl with an equally warm smile,

"Best chicken soup of your life."

I patted the seat next to me, beckoning Noah to join me. We both ate silently, looking at everything in the room but each other.

"Hey Noah?" I turned to him.

"Is it good?" He asked eagerly.

"It's the best I've ever had." I grinned, "But I want to apologize for Tuesday. I passed a boundary that we had decided on."

"I don't care about the boundaries, I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Noah frowned.

"I'm fine." I smiled.

"Why did Wes take you home so quickly?" He started deeply into my eyes.

"I was having a panic attack. I have an anxiety disorder and take zoloft to help." I explained, pointing to the pill bottle by my bed.

"Tuesday night was out of left field though, with the medicine my attacks have lessened a lot."

Noah nodded his head silently.

"Sorry for kissing and running." I feigned a laugh.

"It's no problem." Noah smiled, "I'm just glad we're okay now. We are okay now right?"

"You are my good friend." I grinned, "My good friend who makes great soup."

"I'm really glad you like it." Noah beamed, "Do you feel any better?"

"No." I answered truthfully.

"You need rest." Noah observed. I looked at him as he started shifting around on the bed.

"Come on." Noah patted his chest, "Rest."

"You want me to lay on you?" I chuckled.

"If you don't want to, you don't have to." He shrugged. I shook my head and shifted down on the bed, laying my head onto Noah's chest and he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. It was nice.  

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