I Love You

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Noah's POV

Several months have passed since that day at Jordan's, and we've been inseparable ever since. Wes, Jordan, and I spent every Friday at Wes's apartment and Jordan and I were together during any other free time. I haven't told Jordan I still like her, which has grown to love over the last two months.

I was currently packing for Smosh Winter Games, a large event on every Smosh channel. We were traveling up to Big Bear Mountain, just two or so hours from LA. We would be up there for the month surrounding my birthday and I couldn't wait to turn another year older. Jordan's birthday wouldn't be far behind mine. Wes and I were already planning a surprise party. I was shuffling from my closet to my suitcase when my phone rang.

Jordan's POV

It had been months since I found out Noah liked me. I never told him I knew and I never tried to change our relationship. I picked up my phone and called Noah, hoping for some company.

"Yo." Noah's muffled voice could be heard on the other end.

"What're you doing right now?" I asked, jumping backward onto my bed.


"And what're you wearing?" I asked suggestively, stifling a laugh.

"Sweatpants." Noah laughed on the other end.

"Come over." I demanded.

"What part of packing don't you understand?"

"What part of come over don't you understand?" I retorted.

"Why don't you come over?" Noah suggested.

"I'll be there in twenty minutes." I stood up and walked out to the living room, grabbing my keys.

"See you then." Noah promised, hanging up the phone after saying a quick goodbye.

"Anthony, I'm going to Noah's." I yelled through the house. I heard a grunt of response. Anthony had been busy for the last month pre-planning and planning for Smosh Winter Games. He wanted it to be better than last year's Summer Games. I made the quick drive to Noah's house and let myself in the front door.

"Noah." I called out.

"You know where I am." He yelled. I jumped up the stairs and walked into Noah's room. He had a large suitcase laid out on the bed and his closet was wide open.

"I hear you but I do not see you." I observed.

"That's because I'm trapped in a closet." Noah peeked his head out from the closet door.

"There's popcorn on the dresser." Noah's hand pointed toward the dresser from the closet.

"I love you." I smiled, picking up the bowl and laying across the bed.

"How could you not? I give you food all the time." Noah laughed.

"I love you." I repeated, throwing a piece in the air and unsuccessfully catching it in my mouth.

"You know, you really should have packed earlier." I observed, "We leave in two days."

"Shut up." Noah sighed.

"You shouldn't tell me to shut up. I am your boss, remember?"

"You're also my best friend, so I can."

"You're fired." I joked.

"No, I'm not." He smiled, "You'd miss me too much."

"Can you shut up?" I groaned, "I'm trying to sleep over here." I rolled around on the bed.

"I've done a lot of work," Noah smiled at me, "I deserve a nap." Noah picked up the nearly full suitcase and tossed it to the floor. I patted the spot on the bed next to me and Noah happily obeyed and threw himself down next to me. He crossed his arms behind his head and stared at the ceiling.

"I'm glad you're my best friend." He mumbled.

"And I'm glad you're my best friend." I smiled.

"I love you." Noah turned to me.

"I love you too." I smiled.

I love you, Noah.

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