Smosh Winter Games

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Wes's POV

"I can't believe none of us can even ride together." Jordan pouted in my passenger seat, "And you guys have fun cars. I get to ride with Anthony, Ian, and cameras."

"I get Shayne, Sohinki, and Lasercorn." I smiled.

"I have Keith, Joven, Mari, and Flitz." Noah grinned from the back seat.

"You guys also have to participate in games and punishments." Jordan smirked.

"She has a point." Noah shrugged.

"We're here." I announced. I had woken up early to pick up Jordan and Noah so we could ride to the office together before we left. Noah jumped out of the car and opened the trunk outside. I grabbed Jordan's arm, keeping her inside with me.

"What?" She asked.

"When are you going to tell him?"

"Tell him what?" Her eyes shifted.

"Tell him that you know he likes you." I continued, "Or that you love him."

"How about never?" Jordan shook her head and stepped out of the car.

I climbed out of my car and went to help with the bags. This was going to be a very long month.

Noah's POV

We had been in the car for about thirty minutes, I was shoved in the back to share one seat with Keith. I glanced down at my phone, feeling a phantom notification from Jordan.

"Dude when are you just gonna tell her?" Keith whined, tossing his body.

"What?" I laughed at his motions.

"Tell who, what?" Joven turned around towards us.

"Nothing." I mumbled, thinking of any way to escape this conversation.

"Noah likes Jordan." Keith blurted. This outburst gained the attention of the entire car.

"You like Jordan?" Mari yelled.

"Aw he's turning red." Flitz observed.

"You like her?" Joven smiled.

"I mean," I stuttered, " Yeah but she's like, my best friend."

"And you're producer." Keith pointed.

"It's cute." Mari smiled at me.

"Except he's in the friend zone." Keith scoffed.

"I'm not in the friend zone." I defended.

"Except you are." Flitz shrugged, "You just said she's your best friend."

"Yeah. But," I mumbled, "It's different. Just leave it alone."

Jordan's POV

"And this is where we will be for the next month." Anthony grinned staring at the large cabin in front of us. I hopped out of the car and began unpacking equipment. Noah quickly appeared beside me.

"Yo." I smiled.

"Need help?" He asked.

"I think I got it." I bumped my side into him intentionally, "You should probably go call a bunk."

"You want top or bottom?" Noah asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Is everything a sex joke?" I laughed, opening the front door.


"I want bottom bunk." I smiled. Noah dashed off into another hall while I helped Matt Raub, Joe, and Sunny set up cameras and organize microphones.

"Hey Loverboy!" Matt called out, beckoning a response from Noah. I didn't know why Noah would answer to Loverboy, or why Matt Raub would call him that at all, but it made me smile. I thought of when I had first met Noah, and Ian and Anthony called him loverboy in secret for about a week. Then again, it wasn't just the memory that made me smile. Noah standing there, doe eyed, made me smile more than any memory.

"You're staring." Wes popped up behind me, whispering in my ear.

"No I'm not." I spinned around.

"Yes, you are." Wes grinned, "I see Noah saved you the bunk underneath him."

"I asked him to." I defended.

"Just tell him."

"Not yet."

"Sometime this month?" Wes proposed.

"Sometime this month." I promised.

I could do this, right?

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