The Plan

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Ruth's POV

"Who do we need to see?", I asked. "Well, you know how you found the amulet in minecraft?", asked Ty. "Yes, your point?", I asked. "We need to see Notch.", stated Ty. "How?", asked Adam. "Minecon is only in a few days.", said Ty. "We need to get there early and ask him." "Ok.", said Alex. "Lets pack." We started packing, got our stuff in the car, and headed off.

At the beginning of minecon before minecon:

Me and Adam went up to Notch. "Hi Notch.", said Adam. "Hello Adam, Ruth.", said Notch. "We need your help.", I said. "With what?", asked Notch. "Ruth's amulet.", said Adam. He took it off my neck, opened it, and showed Notch. "Where'd you get this?", asked Notch. "At the war.", I said. "It has unimaginable powers, and we know it came from minecraft." "We need your help to fix it.", said Adam. "Fix it?", asked Notch. "The little balls of light are different forms of Ruth. They have become OP and are starting to take over her. We need your help to fix it.", explained Adam. "We can't you just throw it away?", asked Notch. "Because its my life source.", I stated. "Ok, I'll see what I can do.", said Notch. We gave him my amulet. "Please hurry.", said Adam.

10 minutes later:

Notch came back a little before minecon. "I can't fix it.", said Notch. I started to cry. "Are you sure you can't do anything?", asked Adam. "Positive.", said Notch. We walked away. "I can't be with you guys. anymore.", I said. "What do you mean?", asked Adam. "I don't want to hurt you.", I said. "Ruth...", Adam started. "Goodbye Adam.", I said. I started running away. Adam didn't;t come after me. He ran the other way. I don't want to hurt them, I said to myself.

Notch's POV

"Our plan is working.", I said into the phone. "Ruth's amulet is taking over her." "Good.", said Lydia. "Ruth is going to turn evil soon", I said. "Very nice.", said Lydia. "And you did rig it so the lights wouldn't come out, right?" "I did what I could.", I said. "Good enough.", said Lydia. "Team Crafted will never like her again." We hung up the phone. I smiled evilly, and went to start minecon.

Adam's POV

I ran to the guys and yelled, "Guys! Ruth left minecon! she said she didn't want to hurt us, then she ran away. We need to go after her!" Everyone got up, and followed me outside. I pointed in the direction she went, and we ran that way. We ran right and left and everywhere. We finally found Ruth, and she ran away. We finally caught up to her, and held her against her will. "Let me go!", she yelled. "I don't want to hurt you guys!" She struggle, trying to get away. We dragged her to the car, and kept her there. She sat there, crying. "Ruth, we don't care if you hurt us.", said Ty. "But... But...", she stuttered. "It's ok.", said Jason. "We'll find a way." We got home. We dragged Ruth inside. Then, her amulet turned black. Nightmare. She had black hair with red streaks. She wore a black shredded t-shirt with blood smeared letters on it reading ' BLOOD '. She had black jeans and black sneakers. Her eyes turned red. We all backed up. She put a black ball of shadows in her hand, and threw it at me. Everything went dark.

Ruth's POV

I turned back into myself. I didn't know what happened. I saw Adam laying in the floor. His eyes were black. Jason and Ty went to his side. They tried to wake him up. I put my hands over my mouth and backed up. A tear rolled down my cheek. Adam sat up. "I'm ok.", he said quietly. He looked at me. I ran upstairs. Before I could reach the top step, Mitch grabbed my waist. I clawed at the stairs. He dragged me down and held me in place. Adam came over to me. I started to cry. "Ruth, I'm ok.", he said. I looked away from him. "I'm a monster.", I sobbed. "Notch must have something to do with this.", said Adam. As soon as he said that, I had a flashback. It was Notch. He was doing something to the lights inside my amulet. He whispered to it. "You will turn Ruth evil, and if Team Crafted doesn't start to hate her, you will cast a spell on them. When Ruth has a flashback about this, you will make it so she can't talk about the flashback.", he said. The flashback ended. "What was the flashback?", asked Jason. I opened my mouth to tell them, but nothing came out. I tried, but there was nothing. "I can't tell you.", I said. "Why not?", asked Adam. "Because something I can't tell you is making it so I can't tell you.", I explained. "Lier.", said Mitch. "I swear I'm not lying I literally can't tell you!", I said. "I thought we had a better relationship than this.", said Adam. "I promise I'm not lying!", I begged. "Go to your room until you're ready to tell us.", said Adam. "You can't tell me what to do.", I said. "Im your older brother, I can tell you what to do.", said Adam. "Make me.", I said. Adam took my hands and held them behind my back. He pushed me upstairs. "Let me go!", I yelled. He pushed me in my room, and locked the door. I pushed on the door. "Let me out!", I yelled. I sat at my door, crying. "Why won't they believe me?", I sobbed.

Jordan's POV

I had the same flashback. "She wasn't lying.", I said to Adam. "What do you mean?", he asked. "I had the same flashback.", I explained. I told everyone what Notch had whispered into the amulet. As soon as I finished, we ran up to Ruth's room. We opened the door, and she was gone. The window was wide open.

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