Chapter 8

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When I woke up the next morning, I went straight to writing because I needed to get my mind off of Liam. I made another 'entry' to my journal thing saying what had happened in brief then went to work on my stories. I had two on the go now becasue I had finished all my other ones and the wo I had going on was the one about Ronnie and the one about Lucy. They were pola-opposites, but I loved writing about both of them. Ronniw was a girl with everything who lost it for a boy and Lucy was a girl with nothing who gained it because someone believed in her.

I have a lot in my life, but there is also a lot I don't have. I have a family, but its a very disfunctional family. My parents are hardly home and I have an older brother who ran away. Whenever we are all together we all fight and we can never get along.

I have friends, but its hard for me to make new ones. Concidering my old friends and how they treated me, I don't trust people easily and I can't even trust Amara and Roxy enough to tell them that I had an older brother. Yea, pretty lame, I know.

I have a guy that likes me, but an x who I almost had to get a restraining order against. That also makes it hard for me to get into new relationships and put myself out there.

It feels like I have everything but yet I have nothing.

When it came to be around noon I was really hungry so I decided to get up and go get some food. I kept my phone playing music in my ears as I left because I didn't want to talk to Roxy right now. Sure, the writing had calmed me down and thought about the situation, but I just needed a little more time so relax and get my head in order.

When I left my room and entered the living room I found myself staring blankly at Liam, louis and Eleanor. Why are they here? No, I don't want to know. A worried Roxy came out of the kitchen with a tray with four cups of tea on it. She saw me and gave me a small smile. This was probably a bad time to come out of my room. But I was too hungry.

I walked past all of them and into the kitchen without a second glance. I was not going to deal with this right now. I toasted a bagel then spread some cream cheese on it and poured myself some orange juice then walked back to my room. I was being watched the entire time and I knew I looked like crap, but I didn't care. If Liam and the rest of One Direction could just stay out of my life, that's be great. However, I have this feeling that it won't be happening any time soon.

I didn't leave my room for the rest of the day and ended up writing a lot more than I had planned, but I was happy with how much progress I had today. And I even felt slightly better about the whole oredeal too.

When I went to bed I laid there with my eyes closed for a while and I swear I thought I had heard someone open the door to my room and look in before closing it again. If it was true it must have just been Roxy checking up on me. She cares for Amara and I more than she would like to admit.


I sat cross legged in the living room with a book on my lap for one of my classes. It was a boring book and I was honestly falling asleep with every word I was reading. This past week has been boring and uneventful. I haven't seen or heard Liam or even his name and it was been amazing. Yes, it was a boring week, but it was normal and I was used to it.

I ended the last chapter and set the book down with a sigh. That was so painful to read. I laid out across the sofa and looked up to the celing. The silence didn't last long before Amara and Roxy burst through the door both yelling at each other. I didn't catch what they were saying because I just looked out the window and I didn't care what they were talking about.

I eventually got up and took my book back to my bed room. It was Friday and I was done my homework for the weekend and I was bored.

I didn't feel like writing, which was a first, and I didn't feel like staying in this apartment with the two girls yelling at each other. This happens every once and a while and I usually just leave.

So I got dressed (outfit to the side ->) and left the apartment. They can sort out their argument while I'm gone. I walked all the way to the book store and smiled when I entered. The smell of the little store was homey and I think I smelt cookies. I went to the romance section and skimmed over all the titles.

These all sound so good, how am I to choose one? I picked one off the shelf and read the first three pages before setting it back down. I repeated that action at least ten more times before I had decided on three books I liked. I started to head towards the counter but stopped when the shop door swung open.

I looked towards it and saw a guy with sunglasses, a scarf, a hat, and an awkward moustashe on his face. The moustache just didn't belong on his face. He was breathing heavily like he had run in here and he was leaning his back against the door.

I turned back to the counter where there was a girl who is fifteen behind it. She smiled at me and I apyed for the books and when I turned back around the creepy moustache guy was standing right behind me. I let out a little screach and almost fell over but he caught me. I quickly got out of his grasp and took a step away from him, "I'm sorry, you just scared me." I swalloed and looked anywhere but him before deciding to run out of the store as fast as I could.

"Whoa, Maire, it's just me." I froze, he knew my name? How does he know my name? He's probably been stalking me and secretly knows everything about me and now he's going to kidnap me.

I looked at him and he took off the horrible moustache and sunglasses and I rolled my eyes. "Oh, so its you."

"You don't sound too enthosed to see me," Liam frowned mockingly at me.

I sighed, "are you following me?"

"No, why would I be following you?"

"It was just a question."

"A stupid question."

I rolled my eyes again.

"Don't do that."

"Do what?"

"Roll your eyes at me."

"Then stop following me."

"I wasn't following you!"

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Louis and I were being chased by fans!"

"Oh that's a horrible excuse!"

"Is not! It's true."

"If it's true then where is Louis?" I looked around the store and so did Liam. 

He scratched the back of my head, "I guess the fans are still chasing him."

I raised my eyebrow at him but didn't reply because the girl behind the book counter interupped me, "are you two dating because you sound like an old married couple."



I shot Liam a glare, "good luck with finding your friend."

"Wait!" He tried to stop me from walking out the door, but I didn't want to talk to him. I can't believe he said that. To a girl who can spread the news faster than wildfire. If I ever see this out on the Internet, I am going to kill him.

I mean why did he even say that? I know he likes me, but he knows that I don't want even a new friendship with him. I have trust issues and I know it, and he should know it by now too. 

Why can't he just leave me alone?

Two in one day, look at me go!! I liked this chapter a lot. Maire is kind of acting like a child, isn't she? What do you think she should do?

Not editied yet!! Sorry!! 




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