Chapter 10

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I had a weird smile on my face when I woke up. I was way too happy today. I was relieved and actually excited to go out with Liam this evening. Now that I felt like I had conqured the world I felt that maybe it was alright if him and I became friends.

But that was all I was able to offer him, and somehow I knew he would take that over me trying so hard to ignore him.

I got up and went to go eat breakfast. Amara, Roxy, Jake, Scott, Rowan and Darby were all out there and I felt awkward. I may be the only single person in this room. "What's everyone doing here?" I asked awkwardly from afar.

Amara smiled, "well Rowan and Darby just announced that they are dating!"

"I knew it!" I blurted out happily and started to laugh. "I knew that this would happen sooner or later!"

I saw Rowan roll his eyes and Darby blushed a little and I laughed as I made my way to the kitchen. Once inside I started to dance around but it was stopped when i heard the kitchen door open again. Rowan was there and I smiled happily at him.

He shook his head at me and laughed, "well I was going to tell mom and dad about Darby and I because I like her enough to tell them, but after what happened yesterday..."

I looked at him sadly then pulled him into a hug, "you know what?" I looked at him after our hug. "Why don't you just move in here?"

He looked at me with surprise, "what?"

I nodded my head, "I mean we have two exra rooms and there is a high school just down the street. Plus I'm 19 and you're almost 17 so legally you can move out and legally I can be your guardian."

He was still staring at me with surprise, "you mean it?"

I smiled and nodded my head again, "and another positive is that you'll be closer to Darby because she goes to that school too!"

He pulled me into a hug that lifted me off the ground. He was awfully tall and I wasn't. "Thank you so much!"

I laughed, "you're my brother, I can't leave you alone for too long."

He laughed and ran out of th kitchen saying something about going to pack his bag. I sighed and sat down with a bowl of cerel. I better make a list of things to do so that he can move in here. After I ate my cerel, Rowan, Scott and Jake left to go get his things and Roxy smiled at me. She was pleased with what I had done. I could see it in her face.

After what she whitnessed yesterday, I doubt she would want it any other way.

Amara was confused but didn't ask questions about Rowan's situation. "So what about us going to a movie and dinner tonight to celebrate?" Was her suggestion.

Roxy nodded her head in agreement.

I sighed and looked to the floor in embarrisment. "I can't I actually have a date," I mumbled, but they both heard me.

"What?!" Was the oh so clever responce I got from both of them.

I rolled my eyes, "I have a date, okay?"

They were both surprised. "Since when?" Amara blurted out.

Roxy scolled her, "don't be rude Amara."

Amara rolled her eyes, "well we both want to know and if you aren't going to ask, then I will."

Roxy sighed then looked up at me expectantly. She was too nice for her own good.

I shrugged, "yesterday Liam asked me."

Both of their jaws fell open and it was dealy silent in the room. I took that as my sign to run for it before they ask too many questions. I made it to my room safely and locked the door. They were yelling at me but to shut them up I just turned up my music very loudly.

I wanted to relax for the rest of the day so I pulled out my laptop and started to write. The first thing I wroke was another 'Dear Anyone' to ask anyone if what I was doing was proper and if I should really feel this excited about going on a date with Liam.

After that I left it alone and went to go write some other things.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon I finally realized I haddn't moved all day and had a mini heart attack. I checked my phone and saw a bunch of texts from everyone but only one from Liam. It read  'I'll pick you up at 6.'

My eyes went wide and I quickly ran to get all of my stuff ready but stopped when I remembered my journal entry. I stopped looking through my clothes and ran to my laptop. I started to scroll through the comments and reading most of them. A lot were rude but most were saying stuff along the lines of 'its great to help out a friend' and 'you know you like him.'

I stopped when I saw one in particular and read it over a couple times.

'I think it's a great idea that you are trying to help a friend, but if you don't want to find yourself in a realatioship then make sure you don't fall for him.'

I sighed and closed my laptop then slowly dragged myself into the bathroom. I can't let myself fall for him. I shouldn't have even let him talk me into doing this. I'm crazy for even thinking we could be friends. It's so cliche. We start off as friends but end up as lovers by the end of the night.

I took a quick shower then made myself presentable in jeans and a nice top (outfit to the side ->) then straightened my hair so that my bangs weren't all over the place. I put on simple makeup that I wouldn't have to re-apply or check constantly though out the night. When I looked good enough for a date with a popstar I grabbed my shoes and phone and some money then left my room.

I was shaking all over when I saw the gang all sitting on the couches.

Amara spotted me first and broke out into a happy smile but it quickly turned into a frown. "You can't be helped in the fashion department," she shook her head while looking over my clothes.

I looked down at what I was wearing then shrugged, it's good enough for me.

Just then the doorbell rang and I ran to get it before Amara could. When I opened the door there was a smiling Liam there an dI smiled back for a second until I felt someone ram into my back and I went flying into Liam.

I closed my eyes and braced myself just in time for us falling onto the floor out in the hallway outside my apartment. I groaned and so did Liam and we both heard a giggle come from on top of us. I shoved Amara off from on my back and rolled off Liam. I watched as Amara got up and smiled sheepishly at me then took off running.

I sat up and looked at Liam who was confused. "I am so sorry Liam," I blushed. "I didn't mean to-"

He cut me off, "don't apologize, it wasn't your fault." He smiled at me, "besides, I've never started off a date that way, and I'm always up for trying new things!"

I stared at him as if he had just grown three heads, "okay, you're crazy."

He laughed and helped me up off the ground, "a little crazy is always good though. It brings excitement."

I smiled at him and we quickly said goodbye to the people in my house. I had butterflies in my stomach because I was so nervous, but I tried to not let that come through in my actions. We were just friends, even if that was hard to believe. I shouldn't be nervous.


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