Chapter 13

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December and Christmas pasted without any complaints. I didn't know what exactly was going on with Liam and I but we held hands and he and the boys came to every one of our movie nights that they could. At Christmas he got me a scarf and I laughed because I had got him a scarf as well. It was quite funny even though we hadn't planned on anything like that.

He brought me out to the movies once and dinner twice but I never really thought we were actually dating yet. Though, the fans though differently. I was just happy none of them knew who I was nor did they know my Twitter. I mean you'd think some would recognize me from Amara's videos... but they didn't! It was some sort of miracle.

When New Years came, Liam invited me to a huge party and Amara dressed me up for it. At the party Liam asked me two minutes before midnight an important question.

"So, I know that this is a crazy time to be asking a question like this, but I actually couldn't think of a better time than now to ask you."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "what are you talking about Liam?"

He sighed then smiled softly at me, "Maire, will you be my girlfriend?"

I froze. Wait, what?

I stared at him confused, "you want to date me?" I was so surprised.

He laughed lightly and scratched the back of his neck, "um... yea. Is that weird?"

My eyebrows were raised in surprise at his sudden nervousness. He was blushing and looking down. "Yes," I said automatically.

His head shot up as the countdown started to go down from twenty and people were shouting all around us. "Yes?"

I nodded my head and smiled, "I'm going to take a huge leap out of my comfort zone and say yes."

He smiled brightly, "I'm going to take a huge leap too!"

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. His leap? What?

"2!.... 1!.... Happy..."

I didn't hear the rest of the shouting because Liam placed his lips gently onto mine and I froze. 

A New Years kiss...

He surprised me in every which way after that. He kept us from the fans and made sure that we always had time for ourselves. The first two weeks of January were hard, but he was so sweet and I couldn't have asked for anything better.

I wasn't love struck for him, I mean I really liked him and kissing him seemed to feel more like a drug I wanted to take all the time just to forget about all my real-life worries. I felt myself wanting him around more and that scared me. Was I getting attached?


I was writing on a piece of paper a bunch of things I needed to get done this weekend when the doorbell rang. I got up and went to answer it. My eyebrows shot up in surprise when I saw who was waiting at my door, "Louis?"

He looked at me sadly, "sorry, I needed to get out and I didn't know where else I could go."

"Oh, please come in." I stood off to the side so he could come in. He looked very distressed about something and I kinda felt bad. I hadn't really ever spoken to him so this might be a really awkward conversation.

After a minute I turned back to my sheet of paper and thought about what else I needed. He was sitting on the couch so I sat down onto the chair. It got really quiet so I passed him the television remote, "you can talk if you wanna talk but if you don't, might as well distract yourself. Just in case you get stuck in your own thoughts."

After a few seconds he muttered a 'thanks' and the TV clicked on. I double checked my list then went into the kitchen and triple checked it. When I was sure I had everything ready I stuck it to the fridge and took my phone out of my back pocket and took a picture of it.

Irreplaceable {Liam Payne}Where stories live. Discover now