3. Ice Baths

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I should've told my aunt that I wanted to stay home from school today. I shouldn't have given Stiles my phone number. And most of all, I shouldn't have went to that stupid party. Now both Scott and Stiles will be suspicious of me, and that's something I don't want to deal with. I sighed as I passed a long row of lockers, looking identically the same.

"Finally." I breathed out as I found the one that was assigned to me. I opened it to be greeted with a whole lot of dust particles flying in my face. I coughed out dryly as I waved the dust away, placing my scheduled books for today inside of my locker. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked to my left to see Scott and I looked to my right to see Stiles standing there with a huge grin across his face.

"Hey Carson." He greeted as I frowned slightly, closing my locker and placing my new combination lock onto it. I turned to face the two boys who I desperately wanted to avoid.

"Hello, and goodbye." I said as I tried to scurry away from them.

"Hey, hey!" Scott called as he pulled my arm back. I dragged out a long sigh as I turned to them with a questioning look. "We need you to come with us." He said.

I shook my head, "I'm sorry but I have nothing that I can help you guys with. Now, I just need to get to my class." I said as I walked off. I wondered if they knew that I had a free period. I walked off only to get pulled back by Scott once more. "Dude, you're bruising me." I groaned as he quickly let go of my arm. I looked down to see the outlines of his fingers marked on me. "Thanks." I said sarcastically as I held my books up to my chest.

"I'm sorry." Scott softly apologized, a glint of regret evident in his eyes.

"Carson, you have a free period. Our schedule's the same. Look, we need to talk about last night. And about yesterday. Those drawings you did, they weren't just a coincidence. They meant something." Stiles pestered me as I blinked at him boringly. "You drew a bottle of wine and then you asked for my friend. You didn't even know her and somehow you guessed that she had a wine cellar like it was one of the most common things in the world!"

"You don't know who I know." I protested.

" Well did you know her? " Scott quirked up an eyebrow.

I sighed in defeat, "No."

"Exactly! Come with us, we need to show you something." Stiles said as he signaled for Scott to pull me with them, ignoring my complaints.

I have no idea why I am even dealing with these guys' antics. I should've stuck with my plan. Stay with my Aunt Marin during my free time. Now look at what the hell I have gotten myself into. I exposed a part of my abilities to two total strangers.

They then pulled me into a classroom where there were 3 other persons. "I don't see anything." I heard from a man, with very large biceps. It's quite obvious that he isn't a student here, well at least I hope not.

"Well maybe she can." Scott spoke as he pulled me directly in front of two girls who had identical bruises on their wrists. I looked around the room with wide eyes, wondering why the hell they had brought me here. "This is Carson. The girl who drew the picture of the birds and the wine."

I recognized the two girls from my Language class. I huffed out as I took a look at their wrists. "Pareidolia." I simply stated, shrugging. Scott turned to me with wide eyes and Stiles looked at me with a confused expression. "Seeing patterns that aren't there." I tried to clear up but they still had those puzzled facial expressions on.

"It's a subset of apophenia." The girl with the colored hair said. I would say that she's a red head, but it's much too bright. It's probably a ginger color, or strawberry blonde. I smiled at her, seeing that she was obviously the only person that understood that I was saying.

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