5. Abilities Advantages

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" Another errand mum? Every time you would go on these, you would come home all tired out and it really worries me. " I rose an eyebrow as I followed my mother to the door with crossed arms. I wasn't placing on the concerned parent act that I usually would when she leaves to run these important errands. The last time she went, she came back with a bag filled with blood-drenched tissues. I didn't let her know that I found out about that, though.

That blood could have been anyone's.

" Carson. " My mom turned around with the usual soft and sweet smile on her face as she placed her hand on my shoulder. " I'll be fine. There's just some things that I really have to take care of. Marie will be checking in on you, or you can call Ava over to keep your company like you always do. " She suggested as I nodded slowly.

I then pulled my mom in for a hug, " Be safe, " I smiled as I walked back up the stairs and went into her room. I silently cursed myself once I forgot to tell her that I love her before she left, I always would. I snuggled under her blankets as I played a re-run of the TV series, Criminal Minds. It was by far my favorite TV show and in my opinion, it was the best TV show ever made. Though, I never got why Shemar Moore left the show, I was entirely appalled when I hear the news.

This certain errand that my mom went to take care of took way longer than the other ones would. I wasn't sure when I fell asleep, but the sound of someone loudly pounding on our front door pitched me up out of my sleep. I quickly ran down the stairs with a confused manner etched over my face. As I approached the door, the red and blue lights that flashed made me run towards it, swinging open the door.

" Ms. Carson Jenner? " The deputy questioned as he looked up from a piece of paper. My hands started to tremble as I looked around. Our whole entire front lawn was covered with police squad cars and deputies.

" That's me. " I managed to mumble out as I stepped out of the door, my eyes frantically searching around for my mother as I started to grow more and more confused, almost frustrated. " Where's my mom? " I looked up at the man who had a frown on his face. His lips were pressed in a thin line as he just stared at me with sympathy swimming in his eyes. My sight then laid on Ms. Mitchell and Ava, my feet automatically picking up to run over to them. " What's happening? Where's my mother? " I urged on for someone to tell me what the hell was going on.

No one wanted to answer that question and it was profoundly upsetting me. " Carson. . " Ms. Mitchell trailed off as I watched a single tear drop flow from her eye. " She's gone. . "

"GONE? What do you mean gone? " I asked, even though I damn well knew the answer to that. I felt my knees get weak as I felt a pair of foreign arms catch me before I fell to the ground. It was like all movement around me ceased and all of the sounds were muted. " No! She can't be dead. My mother is not dead! " I cried out as I pounded my small fists on the olive coat that had a deputy's badge pinned onto it.

My hands were quivering due to the gusty winds and my tears were falling uncontrollably as my breaths constantly got caught up in my throat. No, I refuse to believe this. Tahlea Grace Jenner is not dead. My mother is NOT dead. Everything around me seemed like it was muted and everyone's gaze was on me. Even though what they had said was probably true, I'm not going to accept it any time soon. It was so easy to put the pieces together, but at the same time it was entirely too difficult because I knew nothing about what she used to 'take care of' on those errands.

The deputies then ushered me inside after Ms. Mitchell assured them that she was going to be my guardian until whenever. As soon as the deputies had left, I dropped to my knees and let out a strangled scream as the salty tears were tracking down my cheeks that were tinted pink. Ava and Marie tried to calm me down, but I was far too in with my emotions. It was taking over and I couldn't have controlled it. I tugged at the roots of my hair as I balled my fists, throwing them into the ground. I didn't even know what was going on until I heard Ava shouting my name and a large crashing sound finding it's way through my ears. I looked up to see bits and shards of glass covering the floor around me. The chandelier had fallen, shattering the glass table that it was previously hovering over. That seemed to snap me out of it momentarily, as I stood up slowly.

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