25. Gone Girl

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oh wow, bonus chapter and double update, yay.


"What did you do to her?" I heard an angry voice seep into my hearing as I furrowed my eyebrows, feeling the wound on my temple from earlier increase in pain for some reason. My body was numb, but I was on the go. We weren't in a car, we were in the forest.

"She'll live." I heard Jennifer's voice blandly said. "Even though she doesn't need to." She added on.

"She's my sister." Derek growled, annoyance coating his words. I felt my heart skip a beat as Derek called me his sister. Not only did he stand up for me, but he also owned up to me being apart of his family, though we just recently met. My eyes were still closed, I felt too fatigue to do any kind of movement. There were hands gripping me tightly, around my arms and my legs. I'd assume Derek was carrying me bridal style, seeing that I was in an unconscious state.

Soon, Derek's footsteps ceased and I automatically sensed Scott's presence. I'm not sure how I knew that it was him, but his vibe was so distinguishable, I could recognize it from any where.

"What are you doing? And what the hell happened to Carson?" Sure enough Scott questioned as I felt Derek place my body down, making sure that my back was supported. I didn't want them to know that I was awake just yet, it might probably jeopardize something.

"This might be hard to believe, But I'm actually trying to help you." Derek's voice spoke as I felt my heart begin racing. "Nothing is wrong with her, but Jennifer injected her with Ketamine, clinically knocking her out." He explained. Jennifer would only do this to me for her advantage. As I swallowed, I winced softly. There was something around my neck, and it was burning. Something was around my wrists too, no doubt that it's those God forsaken metal shackles that prevents me from performing magic.

If these are on, then that means that I'm still with magic. For once, I can actually be glad that Jennifer did something. I'm glad that these are on because she had the power to take my magic, but I think it can only happen once my protective barrier was down. But since that night at the motel, my protective barrier hasn't been down, or weakened since.

"Ooh, like brother against brother. How very American this is." Deucalion's voice sounded as I heard his stick hitting against each other. Most likely he was folding it together. "Are you ready, Jennifer? Hmm? Did you gather your herbs, Pray to your ancient gods and your oak trees, Slit a baby's throat, perhaps? Should we show them why you needed to sacrifice nine innocent people just to face me? Or is it 12 now?" As Deucalion went on with his words, his voice got darker and huskier after each one passed. I felt a cold substance trickle down my neck, which then cause me to semi panic.

Was I bleeding? What the hell does she have around my neck that's so tight?

My mind was on the parents. Allison, Isaac and Stiles were all on the Rescue Parents team, and I had faith that they were going to find them. If they spent 16 hours in those freakin' metal tubs for nothing, I am going to lose my mind. The weather outside was terrible and just by the sound, it seemed like debris and objects were hitting the walls of this place as it traveled through the wind. If it's like this because of Jennifer, then what the hell is happening to the nemeton as I think?

Derek's roaring then snapped me out of my thoughts as I finally opened my eyes. They fell onto him charging towards Deucalion whose face was fully transformed.. and it was scary as shit. My heart was racing incredibly but as soon as my eyes connected with Scott's, time slowed and I felt his worrying radiate to me.

Jennifer then went forward, creating the same ring of force that we did in the hospital in the elevator. But this time, it had no effect, leaving only a gust of breeze against Deucalion. "Hm." Deucalion hummed as he held both Derek and Jennifer up by their necks, throwing them down to the ground.

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