0.0 Prologue//Disclaimer

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  Carson's P.O.V

" Dude, why can't you just stay here with us? " Ava whined as she threw one of her shirts into my suitcase. She claims that it will help me to remember her, as if I will ever forget my best friend. 

" Trust me, I'm just as devastated as you are. " I sighed, zipping up my last suitcase. Due to the passing of my beautiful mother, Tahlea, I was forced to move wherever the hell my Aunt lives. If you were to ask me, I didn't even know that my mother had a sister. I was just told about her this week and now they want me to move in with her.

Marin, is what her name is.

Why can't I move in with my father? There's a small problem, I just don't know who the hell he is. The most my mother told me about him is that I got my green eyes from him.

I just wished that my mother had told me more about her, well, my family before she passed. We lived in a small cottage that was quite distant from the city. So to say that I was a bit disconnected from society was an understatement. Luckily, Ava here, lived right next door. Her mother and mine were actually friends which had me thinking that they both planned to move out into the middle of no where and that they planned to have both Ava and I home-schooled.

I sat on my bed as I placed my head in my hands, the thoughts of my mother clouding the images in my mind. I then felt a hand on my back, rubbing comfortable circles in my back. " I just don't know why she left me. " I sniffed out as I pulled my hands away from my face.

" Everything is for the better. Please Carson, don't beat yourself up about it. You're not alone. " Ava sat closer to me as I placed my head on her shoulder. I try not to cry around her, I know that it tends to make her feel awkward. So I just wait until it's late at night, to let all of my feelings pour out.

My head then pitched up when there was a knock at my bedroom's door. " Mom. " Ava smiled as we both stood up, me waving at her. Marie Mitchell, Ava's mother was there with a sad smile on her face. She was also sad that I was moving. If I had legal consent, I would've taken you in and treat you like my own, she told me a few days back. Though she already used to do such thing. I labeled her as my second mother.

" Your aunt's in the living room. " Marie said as I felt the smile falter from my face.

" I guess this is good-bye? " Ava turned to me with a frown on her face. I shook my head as tried to place on one of my brightest smiles for my best friend.

" No- definitely not, Ava. Hasta la vista, baby. " I tried to laugh at my terminator reference, but it came out terribly. Ava's eyes lit up as we stared at each other with our tear-filled eyes. " I'm going to miss you. " I said as Ava locked her arms around my neck, pulling me in for a tight hug. I hugged her back, closing my eyes as I savored our last moment together for who knows how long.

We pulled away from each other and I went towards my bed, picking up my suitcases and cell phone. Ava picked up a suitcase and she went walking behind her mother, leaving the room. I stood in my doorway, taking one long and lasting look at my bedroom that I had lived in for all of my 17 years. " I'll miss you. " I said lowly as I turned out the nights, closing the door behind me as I walked out.

Almost immediately, my eyes laid on a young looking woman with straight brunette hair running down pass her shoulder. Our skin-tone was basically the same, a smooth caramel color. " Carson. " She stood up smiling at me.

I tilted my head as I stared at her. " I take it as you're my Aunt Marin? " I questioned as I placed my suitcase in front of me. She was a very pretty woman and she had a chill vibe radiating from her.

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