21. Revelations and Declarations

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"If you wanna show that you're one of the good guys then heal her." Stiles countered as he motioned over to Cora who body was limply lying on the metal table. I shook my head slowly as I looked to the ground, going over the events that happened not too long ago. This lady is such a sociopath, she literally sat down and planned this all out. From the mass suicide of those crows up til now.

Everyone's eyes were on Miss Blake as she shook her head. My attention was just on the fact that she literally just imprinted, actually burned, the five fold knot onto my arm. She is going to take someone tonight, but what the hell is the last pattern?

"Not until I'm safe." Miss Blake answered as she stared up at everyone. Scott wasn't by my side at the moment, he was over by Derek who recently tried to charge over to Miss Blake. I feel terrible for Derek, he probably really liked Miss Blake but everything turned out to be a lie and he was nothing but a pawn her in sick and twisted chess game.

"I'd like to volunteer a different method of persuasion. Let's torture her." The man from earlier smirked as he looked over to Miss Blake in a menacing way. As our eyes connected, there was a burning sensation forming at the bottom of my stomach. His eyes, they were filled with fire and they were scarily familiar. Scott and Stiles mentioned that Derek's uncle was at the hospital with Cora.. this must be the man here. Peter was his name. If he is Derek's uncle, then I assume he's mine as well.

We haven't seen each other before in my life, but the look in his eyes lets me know that he recognizes them. "Works for me." Derek's voice broke our moment as he pushed Scott's arm. As Derek began to make his way to Miss Blake, there was a voice over the P.A system that brought all of our actions to a halt.

"Um, can I have your attention?" Melissa's voice then sounded. My eyes widened as I looked over to Scott whose eyes were focused onto the speaker that was positioned right above my head. "Mr. Deucalion... excuse me, just Deucalion... Requests you bring the woman calling herself Jennifer Blake to the E.R. reception. Do this, and everyone else can leave. You have ten minutes." She finished. Holy shit, Deucalion has Melissa.

"He's not gonna hurt her. These two are too important." Miss Blake spoke, breaking the short moment of silence after Melissa's announcement. My eyes pitched up to the woman not too far from me, seconds away from strangling her.

"Shut up!" Derek spat out of disdain, pointing over to Miss Blake. Her eyes then looked over to me as I glared at her. I hate that she knows I'm a Hale, she is going to use that to her advantage until I place it out into the air myself.

"He won't." I choked out as Derek's eyes then trailed onto me with a raised eyebrow. Both Scott and I know that Deucalion desires Scott's presence in his pack, merely because he is bound to become a True Alpha. And as for me, every pack needs an emissary or a witch. "Scott even knows why." I sighed, fiddling with my fingers so that I could have avoid the stares from Derek, Peter and Stiles. I have helped Miss Blake out way too many times tonight, it's sickening.

"What do they mean?" Derek asked silently as he turned to Scott.

After Scott decided to just stare out into oblivion, Miss Blake took it upon herself to start speaking. "You're not the only one he wants in his pack." She started, directing those words to Derek. "Deucalion doesn't just want an Alpha pack. He wants perfection. That means adding the rarest of alphas to his ranks."

"True Alpha.." Peter spoke up from the background out of realization.

"What's that?" Stiles questioned as his curious eyes glanced between all of us.

"The kind that doesn't have to steal his power from another. One that can rise by the force of his own will. Our little Scott." Peter concluded as he focused his eyes onto Scott who shook his head. By Scott's expression, it was evident that he didn't not want to talk about this matter, eve though it could literally be a life or death situation.

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