Chapter 37: I Think I Might

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*Contains mature content! 18+ may read*

(Chapter 37)

*Caroline's P.O.V*

Slightly wetting my now plump lips with the warm pad of my tongue, I slowly slid down his body making sure to leave a wet trail of kisses down his torso. I couldn't remove my gaze from Harry's dark emerald orbs, his rough digits fisting through my hair trying to find something to hold on to. Almost as if he didn't know what to do with himself.

I smirked against his skin before lowering my eyes to meet his boxers. The thin material barely restraining his hardened member begging to be released. Without a second thought I cupped him through his boxers, causing a loud groan of frustration to escape Harry's slightly parted lips.

"Don't be like that baby, you know what I want." Harry practically moaned before bucking his hips towards my touch.

I had to bite my lip to suppress the moan threatening to escape. Leave it to Harry to make me almost lose it by one sentence.

I slowly trailed my tongue over the band of Harry's black boxers, taking it between my teeth and pulling before letting it snap back. I watched in amusement as Harry's eyebrows furrowed in frustration as he relentlessly tried to remove the boxers himself.

"Relax," I seductively whispered, removing his hands and replacing it with mine. I could almost feel my eyes bulging out of their sockets when I pulled Harry's boxers off.

Saying he's big is putting it mildly.

Slowly, my hand started to caress him before fulling taking him in my hand and pumping. I watched in awe as Harry's eyes screwed shut and he let out a sigh of relief.

"Faster," he demanded with a strained moan. Me following his commands. "Oh god Cara," Harry whimpered as his head fell backwards into the pillows.

I let out a silent moan as he bucked his hips out again following the pace of my hand. I've never seen such a sight, it sent a burning desire through me making me only want more of him.


I snapped my head up at the sound but nothing was there.

"Harry did you hear th-"


"What's that sound!?" I suddenly shouted as my eyes shot open.

I let them wander around the dark room until I realized I was just in my bed.

Was that all a dream?

But it felt so real...

I knew if my room wasn't so dark the crimson would be noticeable on my face as I replayed the dream in my head. I was so confident, it was like I knew what I was doing.

And Harry' that not real either?

Did I just dream of Harry's private friend?

Private friend really?

Oh, don't judge me...

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard another loud cackling sound. My eyes quickly flicked towards my window watching the ferocious wind and rain attack the window pane. Loud beats of thunder sounding every now and then.

I couldn't help but snuggle deeper into my duvet as I thought about all the homeless people out there right now, they were probably all freezing to death. Most would do anything for at least a small blanket half the size of mine. Times like this remind me of how I must be thankful for all that I have.

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