Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen: It Takes Three To Tango? 

Bristol, England. The night was young, yet the charity ball was in full swing. People of high prestige and those carrying slightly lower titles gathered in the ball room provided for the event. It was rather stately at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre. Spacious and refurbished, the site left room for much promise.

Jett held his head high and he walked along the sidewalk through the large throng of party-goers.. His formal outfit of choice was a black suit with the faintest of gray pinstripes, a black dress shirt, and a gray tie. Professional and classy, but not over the top for the evening.

There was to be some fantastic moment of dance within the ball, and that had brought many people to wear more suitable clothing for such an occasional while still staying formal. Many elaborate and fantastic dresses and suits dotted the landscape outside the theatre, and many more dwelled inside.

Jett paused at the door, drawing forth his invitation from his side pocket. Along with the invite, he produced a fabulous red rose. He smelled it, savoring its fragile scent, and placed it back for a moment. It would be his first phantastic surprise of the evening for his love. His love. That was right. It was not Erik's to have any further. Jett was a free man, and he would engage in that mind of fancy as long as he could.

With an air that was lighter and more free spirited, Jett made his way into the open hall of the theatre. Many faces swam in the sea of people, but none of whom he immediately recognized. He strained about, looking for Genesis or perhaps someone from the circuit. But to his dismay, none would come forth from the crowd and grab him away with their presence.

The lightest of taps drew Jett away from his search as he met eye to eye with a petite yet never soft spoken individual. Alexis, draped in the most elegant of sky blue gowns, stood at his side. She smiled up at Jett, his figure towering slightly over her own. "Ello, Gov'ner!"

"Ciao bello!" Jett replied with a small bow. "Dove sono gli altri? Where are the others?" He asked, glad to see a familiar face.

"I was just about to take you to them. They sent me to find you." Alexis took Jett's hand in her own, dragging him across the sea of unknowns in order to find those familiar faces which Jett had once been acquainted with.

In truth, Jett only desire to see one face. The face of the woman he loved with his entire heart. The only person he found that truly shared feelings more intimate that anyone else ever could. She provided light where there seemed to be none. She brought along hope when everything was lost. Her caress was something he longed for whenever he could not receive it, and nothing would stand in his way to pronounce his unfailing love towards her. Nothing alive or dead.

As Jett and Alexis made their way through the crowd, a distant figure became more and more recognizable and finally appeared to be Genesis.

She was dressed in the most elegant and breathtaking black dress one could find at the ball. It was cut deep in the back and rather high up on the leg, putting off a higher air of maturity to the event. Her hair was pulled into a beautifully arranged bun with white, pearl-like accents here and there. She was the picture of a blossomed womanhood, that held within it such a charm that Jett had never laid eyes on. It was if Genesis had grown more lovely overnight, and at this moment of break in the long distance relation Jett found no words to express the radiant beauty which was before his eyes.

Jett reached out his hand as if to make certain that the elegance before him was true. His hand brushed gently against the bare skin of her back, and a certain spark flew through his core.

Genesis turned, spotting Jett and gaining a glorious smile on her face. Her features radiated with something so lovely that it was hard to look away. With much love, Genesis wrapped her arms around Jett's neck and hugged him tightly.

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