Chapter two

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I walked quickly down the hall and took a sharp turn and got into the living room. I pushed the doors open with as much strength as I could, causing the doors to hit the Metal walls. All the men looked in my direction while the girls tapped away on there phones.

The boys seemed to get the message. I mean, it isn't everyday I go storming into a room. They new it was something serious. That is when I noticed. In the still silence, and by the glaring eyes of everybody in that room, we were not alone.

The muffled sound of footsteps could be heard even though they seemed to be as far as two halls away. That was one of the void's greatest skills...The element of surprise. Except thanks to my little tantrum, I probably led them straight to us.

Their glared formed into confused looks. I looked around the room. Some of our strongest fighters are in this room.

"We are under attack. Hilton and Forestr your with me. The rest of you.... split into groups and go find anybody who needs help." I said in a demanding voice.

Issac Hilton, ranks 6th best fighter after Luke Ashworth. Trenton Forestr barely ranks 9th. He is only above Faith Drilan because he is a year older so he had only trained a bit longer than her. I wanted one of the strongest and one of the weakest with me. Basically to create a mini training session.

I used the ready signal to inform everybody to get going and play there part. Most Gangs you see out there aren't as close as ours. Probably being one thing that makes us the most feared, how close we are. Mess with one you mess with all.

All I care about is that all my friends and family are safe, and of course that Stephan's body will be lying lifelessly on the floor for what he has done. "W-what..." Trenton cleared his throat to get his stuttering situation resolved "what happened Danny?"

"Didn't you hear, squirt?" I smiled lightly as Issac nudged Trenton playfully. Trenton hated that nickname.

"Obviously not, Issac."

"Stephan was the mole. He gave The Azure razors our new information." I said with a sigh.

"Stephan couldn't have been the mole." Trenton scoffed. As to be expected since the two have been best friends since... like, birth. "He was always with me."

"Are you saying you are a mole too? Huh? Squirt, huh?" Issac loves to tease the kids who were younger than him. Issac is 17 (a year younger than me).

"No." Trenton grumbled. "I'm just saying you have the wrong guy." Trenton will be crushed once he hears the recordings of Stephan being exposed.

"Oh whatever, what matters is that we have to fight theses sons of bitches!" Issac said with a loud clap of the hands. I stopped dead in my tracks and grabbed onto his bicep, causing him to stop as well.

"Could you maybe make it less obvious that we are heading in there direction?!" My voice was a harsh whisper. Now do you understand why he is the 6th strongest fighter? Once I saw the look of regret in his eyes I walked foreword again, then following not far behind.

"So where exactly are we heading?"

"At the intersection of hall 3 and 4. That is where the should be--" I stopped walking, talking, and breathing all together when I heard a gun cocking from behind us. I put my hands up slowly in surrender without turning around.

"Turn around. I'll need the perfect angle to get the bullet in between your eyebrows." The woman hissed with much venom.

Slowly, I turned around. She smirked. In one quick, swift movement, I kicked up my leg and pulled out a handgun out of my legging. The gun was light and had my name engraved in gold along the handle. I got it for my fifteenth birthday and had been in flawless condition since.

Quickly without a second thought I shot her.



And a third time. One in the chest, one in the stomach and one fight in the center in the head. "Well then. Do you you really think it was necessary to shoot he three times? I mean one shot to the head and there dead." Luke said shoving the gun he had pulled out sometime in between her last words.

"Well... no not really but there was no harm done." The looked at me strangely for a second then shrugged.


My father's voice was loud as it bounced off wall to wall. It didn't sound like he was mad. He sounded like he was... in trouble. We looked at each other with worried expressions then dashed off in the direction of the cry of pain.

We ran for some time until coming to the main area that looked like an oversized garage. My father stood in the center with blood in his shirt. "Dad, what is it? Is that your blood?" I asked quickly as I shuffled over to him.

"No. No it isn't mine. It belongs to- to Stephan." Wait, he stuttered?! "I know you liked him and all but I had to kill him. Or try at least." He glanced around and his eyes landed on Trenton and Issac. His facial expression turned from soft to stone hard in the matter of seconds.

"You will get over it." He said bluntly with a pat on the shoulders. And with that he walked away.

"Danny,-" Trenton was going to pity me? Don't do that. It doesn't bother me.

"You guys did good today. Go to your rooms and clean yourselves up. And Trenton," I paused "is that chocolate on your face?"

He scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah... I might've eaten your frosting covered brownie."

"Trenton!" I groaned. "My name was on it!"

"Yeah. Yeah I know. I was just... it was just... THERE WAS FROSTING!" I couldn't help but smile at his childishness. Issac was laughing with his head thrown back.

Even though at this particular moment I am laughing and smiling, I couldn't shake off the feeling that there is somebody else here. Watching us.

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